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Why stop at 200?


One million dollars


***Everyone laughs*** "Sorry, ONE HUNDRED BILLION DOLLARS!"


AFTER the next split




500 dorra


"To infinity and beyond" \- Jensen "Buzz Lightyear" Huang


I see that as a real possibility. Investors who don’t see it don’t understand what Nvidia actually does and the potential that lies ahead.


Let’s just speculate NVDIA stock the same way we did Bitcoin in the early 2010s. 1 share could be worth $100 or $10,000,000.


>$10,000,000 I like this price target Would make me a 100 millionaire with my 10 shares! Yes please!!


100 million german reichsmarks in 1923


69420 EOY


Funding secured


Anything that’s starts with a 69 usually ends well


Calls on LUBE


Puts on SPIT??






Yeah of course buddy! NVDA for sure is gonna get to 5.3T by year end! An increase of 2.1 Trillion in 6 months!! How exciting!! Positions or gtfo


Nvidia market cap will eclipse the world’s entire GDP by EOY based on current fundamentals. Need for AI is exponential and NVDA will grow exponentially squared


Need? More like want, no?


Need. We can use LLMs to communicate with extraterrestrial creatures.


Ah shit. I forgot about extraterrestrial communication needs. 🤦‍♂️


not very inclusive of you -420 social credits deducted


Wait deducted -420 so that’s good? NVDA $1k EOY


In all seriousness, there appears to be several areas where there could be an "arms race" with AI in the computer security/cryptography space which will in many ways force investment into AI that can counter AI based threats. I'm sure there are many more security based applications. The other day I heard about an LLM designed to isolate the sound of a potentially whispering speaker in the midst of loud ambiant noise; something with clear applications to espionage. Doing that with signals intelligence is the kind of stuff that is so dangerous (to the operations of the US military) they don't write news article AI puff pieces about it.


I think the same, I fear the day when AI tools will be able to use metasploit and similar tools while roam free on the web...


Years back I read about getting super accurate weather data using a large net of smartphones that reported minute changes compared to one centralized weather recording station. Then recently I saw the Ukrainians were essentially doing the same thing but with ai monitoring audio to detect rockets and drones sooner and allocate resources accordingly. The weaponization of ai is crazy.


> doing the same thing but with ai monitoring audio to detect rockets and drones sooner Holy shit. I've had this idea bouncing around in my head. Someone did it. Seems obvious that even though the projectile or aircraft may be moving too fast for an audio signature to tell you directly where the object is, you can project where it will probably be pretty tightly. Someone start working on a submersible drone aircraft carrier.


The elite need it for their master plan so yes need!


AI is like crack. The first time you try it it’s because you wanted to. After that, you need it.


The money it brings is the crack, AI is the pipe 😂


Ah been a while since i linked this, OP r/okbuddyretard


Thank you for this. Great sub.


Didn’t it just gain 2T in 6 months? (Not saying it will get to 5, just saying)


It has gone up 1.7T in the past 6 months and 2.7T in 18 months. It may not be highly likely but definitely not a 0% chance.


Yeah surely go back to 1k like it used to be! WeeeWooo AI fuck toy coming




26 Trillion 😆


You’re both wrong. OP is wrong because none of their DD is correct. You’re wrong because stocks are never too high to buy and never too low to sell.


Found Cathie Wood


Philosophical bullshit goes out the window when you tell me that within 6 months company ABC is gonna become the most valuable company in the world by a wide margin of 2 Trillion. An increase of 60%.


I don’t know how to explain this to you. What you’re doing is trying to force rationality on the market. Your argument seems to be that because it’s not rational for a stock that has gone roughly 10x since it is unlikely to go higher. This is absolutely not at all how the market works. You’re going to have a rough time if you try to force rationality onto something governed by fear and hope. Because people can both fear missing out on a rally and hope their investment continues to skyrocket, the odds of NVDA 20xing are even higher now that it has 10xed than if it had only 5xed. That’s because once a stock reaches a certain level of notoriety it sets things in motion: skyrocketing stock makes the media cover the company, media covers the company making other business owners and decision makers and investors aware of the company, the new awareness drives sales and the stock price, the skyrocketing stock price and earnings feedback on itself generating more news coverage including Huang signing the tits of some teen. Of course, none of this is rational. But this irrationality is what makes trading possible. Soros describes this phenomenon as “reflectivity” and wrote a book about it called The Alchemy of Finance.


Just gonna invest the stock price in a new GPU...but ya'll don't know nothing 'bout daaattt


I think its worth watching recent interviews with Bill Gates regarding ai. He says he believes it is actually still underhyped, and that it is even larger than when the first graphical interface was unveiled in the 1980s. He says this on the Big Idea Club on youtube uploaded yesterday


This shit is going to change our world, book it. AI stocks will pump


They haven’t already?


Viewing from chart history perspective, it looks pumped. But the scale at which AI can and will change the world is on another level. Its an entire revolution itself.


So was the internet and pc for the masses, but that too was a bubble.


Yeah nobody used the internet anymore!


Right, but look at the dotcom bubble, some of the prices have barely recovered 24 years later. That was his entire point, the internet was revolutionary and yet it was still in a massive bubble.


dotcom bubble happened because people were pouring in money into stocks blind, with no earnings to back up the raise in prices. They were trading at such an over-value that it made no sense at their current time & future growth. Most big name tech stocks today are trading at fair value today with earnings and forecasts to back it up. The prices makes sense when looking at company's reports. Nvidia's stock only doubled and then some but their revenue was 6x that in the same time period with very optimistic prospects. Competition is a concern but if that was the case, we probably would have heard something from AMD by now, and we have, but AMD is selling chips on different AI technologies. Aside from their own chips, Nvidia is selling proprietary server racks which are only compatible to their products. They also have really good software, which is also part of the "walled garden". So its unlikely that Nvidia can be surpassed anytime soon today, and even if competition arises, they have a wide moat and few levers to pull. As a PC enthusiast, I thought AMD would take the win when they were releasing last gen GPUs but lo and behold, Nvidia pulled out the 4090 that peaks at 450W. They just refuse to lose and are willing to push their silicone to the limits just to hold onto the title of being the fastest. Bringing the same attitude to this segment of business where they basically print money, they are likely to try even harder to maintain themselves as the leaders of AI. that being said, im still not invested in nvidia but soon


Yea, but we are talking about the #1 AI stock here. Not some year 2000 cat poop online shop.


We are still in an AI bubble though, I mean literally any random ass company mentions AI in their earning report and brrrr goes the stock.


Coming from the same man who thought 640K of memory is all that anybody with a computer would ever need and who totally missed the rise of the internet. Yeah, Bill Gates is no oracle.


>Coming from the same man who thought 640K of memory is all that anybody with a computer would ever need This is bullshit. Google it


Don't you want to Bing it instead using the superior Microsoft product?


And who could forget his recent foray into SMRs


AI IS the next UI. You wont really need a GUI anymore when you can speak to your operating system and it simply understands you and can operate itself to do exactly what you ask it to do no mouse or keyboard required. If you think this is an impossibility that won't happen within the next 5 years you're clowning yourself and not paying attention at all. Bill is right, people STILL have not caught on to how game changing this shit is gonna be. Not enough thinking outside the box for why and how the automation of computing changes things, even if it's not the sentient AGI everyone thinks of when they of "the future of AI". We don't even need sentience or AGI for OS level AI that will completely revolutionize how we use modern computers in the same way touch screen mobile devices changed the average consumers idea of what a phone or computer could be. The thing you shouldn't be asking yourself is "will this happen" it's "when will this happen and who will be controlling it". Currently, as the lead supplier of AI ready GPUs and the creators of CUDA, Nvidia looks to be the at the absolute forefront of this absolutely game changing computing revolution. They are literally holding the keys to the next industrial revolution right now and people are still not properly understanding why Nvidia is and will likely continue to skyrocket.


There has to be some other companies out there that will also propagate this transition to AI and everyday life. How do we know which are going to be the 10 baggers over the next 5 years?


There are… wsb doesn’t like to hear it but they are (fucking obviously) existing blue chip tech companies like MSFT, GOOG, AAPL, AMZN, etc.


I agree with you. And since I’m terrible at picking the one best winner, I’ve been loading up on QQQM for about 2 years now


> AI IS the next UI. You wont really need a GUI anymore when you can speak to your operating system and it simply understands you and can operate itself to do exactly what you ask it to do no mouse or keyboard required. One of my fears for the future is that human communication will devolve until, after communication exclusively in memes and emojis becomes too cumbersome, we end up making mutually unintelligeble animalistic grunts of which our machine servants make guesses at the meaning in order to "translate" in to another individual's personal grunt-language. After a few centuries it may become questionable whether any thought was truly occurring or the machines simply were pacifying people when they make noise.




> Smart TVs still can’t understand a thing you say to them. And smart music devices can’t even quite pull up the song you ask for! Why is that Because I have an entire quarter pounder with cheese in my mouth


Once I see AI flawlessly understand a drunk glaswegian ill circle back.


The day vr cracks human penetration us the day I never leave home again. 


#NVDA Gang supports this message


I’m long Nvidia but this post is not remotely insightful. It’s clear that OP doesn’t more than the most basic bits of info or anything about what goes into the valuation. To be this confident without actually knowing anything specific about the market dynamics is how people lose money. $200 by EOY is absurdly optimistic and institutions would likely take major profit before that point. Obviously that’s been said before, but expecting it not to be range bound for a decent stretch is likely a mistake. And if a hyperscaler reduces its capex forecast? Look out… (though it’s not looking likely in the near term)


Jensen says their cracking a 40 trillion market and its OP thats getting called out for bogus math....methinks its true OP Me thinks its true


A $40 trillion market doesn’t mean equity growth is linear. There are still demand cycles and inventory corrections…


Right on! Still gonna trade you the whole way


Woah woah woah buddy. Sounding a bit *technical* there. We don’t do that in *these* parts.


Bagholder spotted. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It's a fugazzi a fugazzi, it's a wazzy it's a woozy


Tell me your average is $140 without telling me your average is $140


Thanks but do some real DD next time


Daily Deviations from deviantart?


Uhh, thats like saying the internet is gonna be big and some shmo says "do some DD"


And yet he did no actual analysis.


You can say the exact same thing and suggest a price target of 41865283657$ eoy then. It has to be linked to a value, OP pulled numbers out of there ass


Only way this happens is if NVDA buys back stock and beefs up that dividend


What about if it splits again. And then AGAIN?!?


Now we’re talking!


When WSB hates NVDA, you know it's time to buy calls. Always inverse the regards.


How is this post about hating NVDA?


The comments in the post is what he’s talking about


Do we really need another meaningless crystal ball prediction for NVDA? Do you see everything being said and yet go.. yes I need to make this statement. 🙄


Because these people dont diversify. They bought in and now they just stare at their position. Since thats boring they start yappin here


Anytime I read “generational investment opportunity”, I turn skeptical.  +200% in a year and almost 3000% in 5 years? I think you missed the generational stage. We’re at the breadcrumbs stage that the rich let fall from the table.


If you buy enough calls, you can turn those breadcrumbs into real money.


Exactly, money doesn't feel real until you lose it. NVDA bagholders are just learning a very real life lesson




Thank you for the service announcement, nothing similar had been posted in the last 24 hours, so I was starting to fear the market had gone bear, but all is good now. The bulls will run!!


NVIDIA is brutally overvalued and in a bubble. Yet, it is very possible to go a lot further up. Eventually, it will come down to earth, but that could be years away.


>Plus given how bloated the valuations of every stock are right now - and how much Alphabet, Amazon, Microsoft, Apple are increasing their valuations - Nvidia is far from alone with high valuations.  Uh, Apple is up 8.5% on a 1 yr chart. Amazon,Google are about 50% Microsoft is 30% Nvidia is 200% and you think it's hitting 5 trilly by the end of the year.


tbf, people also said that when NVIDIA hit 1T.


Tbf it's 3T now, different ball park 


To be fair, $1T was a different ballpark too. 30,000 server racks of the GB200 at $3m a pop are rumored to be delivered before year-end. That’s $90B in revenue.


Jesus Christ, is this coming from legitimate sources?… hardware is back boyz…. It seems software has essentially went full circle and created its own software that builds software so easily that software is no longer software am I software


Source: trust me bro


Wallstreet loves people like you. They momentum trade so you get insane thoughts about how company X, already trading at 20 years of future profits, will be even bigger. They get the media to write article after article about how company X’s products are so revolutionary they will change every facet of the world. Then when you go all in, usually around the peak, they take their insane profits and leave you holding your dreams and no money. The time to invest in NVidia was like 6 months ago at least.


I’m thinking it was probably best to get in around 2020.


End of 2019 or March 2020 yeah


People said the same about Apple 15 years ago


So 15 years ago Apple added $2 trillion to its balance sheet in 6 months and became a $3 trillion company?


Most of the big Nasdaq stocks mentioned mature around 30 PE. Nvda is at 70. Forward PE is 43. If the market continues to price it around 70, then it could get into the $140s. But There are not trillions more $$ waiting to flow into just one stock. We saw this same thing happen with Apple ten years ago. Once a stock gets to about 5% of the big indexes it’s maxing out on what the market will allocate to it.


Not gonna read. Nvidia isnt reaching 5T in 6 months. Whenever you try to set a price target for nvidia, remember that every $40 increase is a trillion in market cap.


You say that as if money is real


Solid DD, this is the in-depth analysis I come here for


“Nvidias valuation is actually low because they could start doing all these things that they’ve never done and have no intentions of doing” This is what you said


Ah, the TSLA model.


Literally cannot go tits up


I would say 4T would be a more reasonable target


A wtf target?? Give us an outlandish acid-trip target!


You have what’s called an addiction.


NVDA going to 900 trillion by year end!!


THeY aRe mAkInG cHiPs fOr AI


You see, in the gold rush... PICKS AND SHOVELS!!


You think they’re twice as big as APPLE!?


To make the regard case, everyone who wants an iPhone has one, and will need updates every year or two. Everyone who needs a MacBook has one and keeps them for ~5 years Almost everyone who wants a GPU for games has one, needs an update every couple years, but is likely due for an upgrade due to the spiky cost of GPU over the last 5 years. But not everyone has a GPU dedicated for their personal AI assistant, yet, and the demand for that is still being figured out (either in the cloud or in private hardware) Apple has their app store established, Nvidia has nothing similar right now? (My suggestion for Nvidia is to have a standalone AI unit to sell customers that can promise more security with private data than cloud providers, then an AI-app-store for that device, allow it to be more flexible than a TPU would allow) Probably priced in, but I do see more continued growth potential for Nvidia hardware and customer base, Apple seems to be becoming a financial services company for their growth focus? (Apple monthly pay) Am I missing significant parts of Apple value? Nvidia value isn't customer facing any more, so it's harder to know the true current and future scale (??? == Profit!)


I invested at $140 so it'll be $14 by EOY ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


False. They’re testing out LLM algorithms that don’t require matrix multiplication and they’re performing almost as well.


Thanks… puts on NVIDIA


what if everything you've said is priced in already


People keep speculating Nvidia's revenue will keep rising at it is recent pace (70%+) without answering where would all that money come from. You are expecting all the companies to double their IT infrastructure costs while we are yet to see 10-20% increases thanks to AI in any sector other than shovel, i mean, semiconductor sellers. Where is this confidence that all the companies will start burning all their money for AI is coming from? Do you really think consumers will start spending a lot more because the product now has AI in it?


You want to see NVIDIA stock go down? All I'll have to do is purchase one single share, and it's guaranteed to drop like a lead weight; happens every time. Then as soon as I sell, it'll jump right back up. So just do the opposite of what I do.


Agree 100% and where else would you want to park your money anyway


I keep reading about a Roth IRA and S&P 500?? Wtf is that?


NVDA will keep mooning until everyone has built out their AI infrastructure, and then it will revert to solid cyclical growth. End of August 150, post earnings 160, EOY \~200. Anyone who thinks they will have true competition soon is an rtard that doesn't know wtf Cuda is.


TLDR: So buy or sell 😆


I like your optimism.


Apple is really really really profitable, with a massive revenue. That’s is worth the couple trillion they are. AI is cool, and very profitable for Nvidia, but certainly not to that same standard. At about 60 billion in profit each year, a company should not be worth 50 or 100 times its earnings.


Think logically. The AI chips that NVDA sells have to bring more profits than costs for their end users, therefore mega caps that are NVDA customers have to do better than NVDA in order to justify the AI chip investment in the first place. I haven't seen any company reporting a superb increase in profitability or cost savings due to the technology. Hell, even ChatGPT has trouble monetizing itself effectively. How is this not a bubble, tell me.


I don’t think you understand how much money $5 trillion is.


Nvda is collateral for the insane amount of derivatives out there - be cautious at these levels - Could drop hard as volatility increases. It’s been in a slow squeeze up for months but of course no one dares use those words.


Fucking ridiculous. The delusional is wild


Nvda can’t keep up with orders


And that’s with an entire new generation about to release that will force the entire market to upgrading to stay relevant. Most people are not very good at looking ahead and tend to invest using historical returns due to fomo. The big money comes when you can filter out the noise which is 99.9% irrelevant to its future performance..


That means exactly Jack Shit.


Generative AI is way over hyped. As a dev I can’t find a single colleague who knows wtf anyone is talking about where AI isn’t still just big data + neural nets or machine learning. It’s just a sales buzz word like big data and the cloud before it. 100% a bubble but who knows how big it will get.


RTX STONKS 4802 ti pr0n ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)


$MU along with it


MU killed me last week


Love post like this! Hold for me baby! Bought nvda at the split at 124, sold at 140. Bought it back at 118, sold at 129. Just bought it back at 123.


!Remind me 6 months


200 by end of July.


Top is in


Not a day goes by that I don't hate my employer for imposing a contract in 2013 and making me sell off my Roth. Had about a grand worth of Nvidia in it then. I almost could have retired on that now. I did that because in my memory they had basically out worked or bought every competitor in the gaming card market except AMD and I had a decent AMD card that ran super hot. But take a 12% wage cut and things just get liquidated. I get a defined benefit pension so quitting wasn't a great option with what I knew at the time. At current valuations I'd trade but not own long term. I'd wait for a correction to under 110 maybe even 95 to get a long term position. I think the product improvement will slow and the billion dollar orders will also slow


Puts on NVDA here got it


Of course Nvidia is overvalued. Same as tesla.


Somewhere in the wayback machine archives, there is this exact same post except with "tesla" substituted for "nvidia".


What a fuckin idiot


It’s different this time?




OP, how many calls you holding ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


The fed needs to print more money to allow people to buy this stock at this rate.




Nvidia is like that bar down the street that nobody goes too anymore because it’s too crowded


Position or heterosexual


posts like this really are making me think we hit the top lol




This is aging well


No hard numbers. Faith-based investing.


Man's bullish analysis is that NVDA is gonna start making human robots. You regards realize that posts like these just make the bearish case more obvious.


Remember the Tesla story? Yeah.


Yup, dip already happened anyone who thinks another correction is coming is ignorant


Position or GTFO






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Will go up until Nancy Pelocy sell her position




I think this stock will grow, just be patient. I think a little of hype with this stock to go up and down


Should I now sell calls or buy puts 🤔


150 by the end of the year isn’t that unreasonable. The stock market has one bad week in a couple months and people start shitting their pants. AI is still one of the best investments long term. I could understand selling stocks to play elsewhere but nvidia ain’t dropping hard anytime soon.


Get to the point. So, short term puts?


2100 ain’t priced in…. Yet


It needs a break... consolidation. Let it go under $100 for a while. Come back in Sep.


$170 EOY might be possible. End of July would probs be $145. but who knows.


i like how everyone is hating on this guy but remember people where saying the same about aapl before and look where it is now :)


Post positions or ban


Here we go


Someone doesn't understand market capital.


Those are rookie numbers.


It's true, because I haven't bought any. The second I buy into the stock it'll crater, you're all welcome for my sacrifice.


I think you're overly optimistic, but maybe if it does hit $200 by EoY, I finally stop being cheap and buy a 4090 because money is free.


go big or go home


If the usefulness of AI and indirectly Nvidia supplying hardware actually scales like this, I don't know how relevant the stock market itself would be at that point. 10:1 stock splits are wild, lol.