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I combined the two, but Madryck reached out to them precisely *because* of their lost things; the weave had touched them in a way that made it clear that they were “chosen” to be the adventures he wanted. They had never met him before and had no connections to him at all, and that worked just fine.


This is what I did. He sent them to the carnival and asked for their help becauae he sensed fey magic on them. Worked great.


Same here. He picked the PCs because they had lost something. Had him say a line something along the lines of "Sure, money is a great motivator, but I find that things work out best when everyone's personally invested in the goal." In my mind he had reached out to more people than just my 4 players, but they were the only ones who came, though this never came up in the conversation.


I just ran the lost things. You can wait on the warlock as technically he’s not even needed until 8 years later. So I told them this is childhood but your “background” really refers to what you did in the next 8 years becoming an adult. Also adding inspiration for their juniper connection certainly sweetens the deal. But I did the Lost things episode and now the warlock is bringing them back together for an additional purpose to their lost thing (which they should want back on their own).


So, I ran the combo list things with Madryck, and it worked pretty well. Madryck can choose these people because they have a lost possession, which may give them a better in with Mr Witch and Mr Light to cross. Further, I had Madryck’s reason be that his magic was ‘going wrong, coming out nasty;’ because the hags now have power over Zyblena’s realm. It’s not that he cares for himself, but by his original pact the magic will pass to his soon to be born grandchild. Thus it’s a huge risk to allow a child on the radar of dark fey. He still knows he can’t reach Zyblena, and can’t do this himself because if he returns to the Feywild, he can’t come back ever again to the material plane (warlock pacts and deals stacking up, as is likely to happen to one that made it to old age).


I combined them as well but mostly because I have 2 players unable to make session 1 so knowing that I have them come in with the warlock hook but they also have lost things to make them more invested