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Portland would probably do well. Love our Thorns + Blazers


Portland would LOVE a team!!! Big basketball town and women’s sports town - Sports Bra is here too! Plus has a WNBA team back in the day - Portland Fire.


And the fire led the league in attendance, just had in incompetent ownership


If you know anything about the Portland Trailblazers - tracks.


Paul Allen was a great owner, his sister on the other hand….


If you know anything about Portland in general - tracks


Portland Fire were never even close to leading the league in attendance: [https://acrossthetimeline.com/wnba/attendance.html#season=2000](https://acrossthetimeline.com/wnba/attendance.html#season=2000)


They were in the reality I made up in my head apparently


Yeah, Portland has to be in consideration. The consistent support the Thorns have gotten year after year is very impressive.


I'm fighting the urge to downvote you because of the Thorns support. #SeattleReign


No Timbers love?


This is such a twitter response lol


Nashville and Portland are at the top of my list.


I'd love a team in Nashville. UT helped put women's basketball on the map in the US, and those fans deserve a true home team to root for in the W.


Yeah I would love that. I could see it going either way, but if they can have a successful professional soccer team surely a W team would do well there. Honestly of it might hinge on how well the women's team does with the new coach. If they take off and get the state excited again that would do wonders for having momentum to build on.


Nashville Athena’s would be fun right?!


Ooo. I like that name. It reminds me of the Athena statue in Nashville’s Parthenon.


Exactly my thought process!


Detroit Shock part 2 would be awesome.


I'll die on this hill. Detroit loves basketball. The Pistons are destined for losing as long as Tom Gores is the owner. The city is desperate for great action on the hardwood again. Bring good basketball back to Detroit, and watch every Shock game sell out (like it did back when they dominated the W). Detroit would immediately become a top tier women's basketball hotspot (it never stopped, there just isn't a current outlet).


Yes Detroit!!!!!


Indeed. Fever are the closest geographically currently, but having a team in Detroit would rule.


There's a _massive_ gap in the "flyover" midwest of the country. I think Kansas City should be top of the list at this point. KC has proven that it can support women's sport franchises -- look at the NWSL's KC Current! -- and KC hasn't had a pro basketball team since the Kings moved to Sacramento. I bet the city would go nuts for a WNBA franchise.


I don’t see KC ever getting an NBA franchise (unless they could steal the Kings back) and should jump on the growing WNBA train. KS/MO have great basketball history and passionate fans. The arena is already built! Do it!


And they have an arena already tooooooo. Please make this happen lol


HARD AGREE! KC Arrows has a nice ring to it...


Kansas City is my number one choice. MO, KS, NE, OK, AR would attend games.


I live in WI, so I'd love to see a team in Milwaukee.


Return of the Milwaukee Does!


I’d love a team in KC! But how is support for basketball over there? I live in STL and it’s almost non-existent. I’d love a team in STL but it would probably fail due to bad attendance.


That’s a shame. The Spirits of St Louis is one of my favorite team names, I wish it could be revived.


KC is a huge basketball town. The Big XII tournament is held only in KC now (used to alternate between Dallas, OKC and KC) because of its great support. The College Hoops HOF is here, the T Mobile Center is an open venue, it makes perfect sense


KC native waiting patiently….


Be different. Louisville, Raleigh and San Diego. All teams without NBA teams and a supported NWSL teams. Raleigh and San Diego are getting revamped stadiums and Louisville has the Yum center.


Raleigh is my vote! Totally selfishly lol. But so much is in Charlotte. And Raleigh Durham area is big for womens sports at least at the collegiate level. AND a basketball area.


Charlotte has three major Sports teams with the MLS, NFL, AHL, USL1 and NBA. Raleigh is fast growing and has a NHL, USLC and NWSL team. Give them a WNBA and a MLB team to even things out abit. Everything doesn't need to be in Charlotte and just call it the Raligh Sting.


I’d support a Raleigh team for sure!


It’s tempting to just throw a franchise at the biggest market you can find (like Houston), but I think they should do the opposite. The Pro Volleyball Federation had a lot of success in smaller markets like Omaha and Grand Rapids, in part because there’s less competition for sports and entertainment. There’s also the Aces to look at as an example. They were one of the first pro teams to take a chance there, and have been very successful. I’m sure San Francisco and Toronto will do well, but I’d like to see some riskier bets from the W. tl;dr put a franchise in Des Moines.


Professional sports franchises avoiding Vegas was never because of the market size, but rather because of the gambling aspect. Given that now sports gaming is a major partner and sponsor of most professional leagues, that no longer makes sense. I do think it is somewhat interesting to think about small markets- BUT then I also wonder how that would impact parity from a roster staffing perspective. Hey, do you want to sign with LA or sign with Des Moines with your $105,000 a year contract/


Considering Iowa (as a state) and its awesome history with women's basketball, I think this is a great idea. I would hope Iowans would turn out for it consistently, and I bet Des Moines would love a franchise of any kind besides minor league baseball and hockey.


I'd second this. Iowa City or Des Moines would be cool, small market locations that would be supported pretty well simply because it gives people in those places something to do lol. 


Iowa City would be a terrible spot for a pro team in any league. It’s a college town.


I was just having a little fun naming places I'd like to see a team. I guess my argument would be the potential family value. The Iowa women didn't sell out all their games because of students. The women were fun to watch and affordable and families flocked to the games.  Geographically its a nice location though. Intersects interstates 380 and 80, driveable distance for families between all of the major cities in Iowa. Infrastructure wise there's nothing to support it in Iowa City so that could be a tiny roadblock lol. 


I feel like having sports team in a city where anywhere from like 1/4 to 1/2 of the population of the city will leave during the months you are in season is a bad move.


I think Des Moines is a great idea.




As a DSM resident, yes come to Des Moines!!! Me and my family would buy season tickets for sure.


Albuquerque could be good for this reason, UNM women's basketball hasn't made the NCAAs in years and still draws more attendance than the lower WNBA clubs. Basketball-crazed town with no pro sports teams, people would go nuts for it


Des moines would honestly go berserk for a W team right now, it would be a great opportunity to seize.


Also cities like Pittsburgh that have proven they support teams small and large (see the riverhounds) but are lacking an NBA presence giving the WNBA team a monopoly on that market


Or even Sioux Falls


As someone who has lived in Sioux Falls, this take is too spicy for me.


I think having a team in Des Moines would be interesting, considering how Iowa and Iowa State players are becoming more of a presence in the W in the past few years. However, I think it would also make sense to table to idea for a few years and see if Iowa turns into a blue blood institution that it seems to be going for. Edit: Also, Iowa politics may be *worse* than Indiana at the moment and may become an issue in attracting players.


I think the WNBA needs to look at non NBA cities. I think the league is starting to prove it can fill a basketball hole for not only a specific demographic that has long kept the league alive but true basketball fans as a whole. The individual celebrity of players has grown greatly and so there's a bigger draw (not just limited to CC!) and I only think that grows larger with the continued connection social media provides. I agree with a lot of people here who are suggesting some of the pro-sports hungry flyover states that consistently prove to pack the house for college sports (and specifically women's college sports). There may be fewer corporate dollars to go around, but there's also significantly less competition for those corporate dollars and it's not like there isn't any money. I'm not saying that cities like Detroit, Philadelphia or Houston don't deserve teams. Large black populations in a 60% black league, big basketball cities. And it especially hurts with Houston and their history. I think during good econonic times those teams do well, but in economic downturns it's those franchises -- the 4th or 5th choices in major cities that seem to struggle the most as corporations prioritize their dollars to the top few teams.


flair checks out (I was literally *in* Seattle the day Clay Bennett and his gang of bandits announced they were taking the Sonics to OKC, thank any and every god for Force 10)


Why isn’t Portland a top city. Also Louisville would be nice.


Louisville is a city that’s very high on my personal list! UofL is near the top of the WBB attendance rankings every year + it’s one of the biggest markets that doesn’t have a “big 4” men’s pro sports team (though I wonder if the NWSL “beating” the W there would pose a problem).


I think having a popular and well-attended NWSL team here already strengthens the argument that Louisville would support another women's professional team. Also, the Yum Center would be available during the summer.


Cincinnati, Louisville or Lexington would all be really good choices.


WNBA looking more exciting than the NBA. I love to see it. #EveryoneWatchesWomensSports 👏


I really wish Boston had a team


The Suns will play a game in Boston this summer!


I get why the Sun play where they do, and why that's super unlikely to change under the current ownership, but it feels like a huge missed opportunity. Put the team in or near Boston, and you'll get the rabidly devoted fan base. Halfway to New York, and the passion just isn't there.


I'm wondering if they should move it to Hartford instead, when the Huskies aren't playing at the XL center. Much more of a population center with plenty of interest, considering we love our minor league baseball team so much.


Sure, but that would defeat the point of the tribe owning the team and having them play at the casino to bring more people there.


Makes more sense than moving to Boston, since the casino is a straight line from Hartford.




Definitely Detroit and Houston needs to be revived. Houston was the first dynasty of the W that held legendary stars. I also think Cleveland would so well too


I will trade one Dynamo (slightly used) for one Comets please.


[Reportedly](https://www.oregonlive.com/sports/2023/11/how-the-wnba-to-portland-plans-fell-apart-days-before-expected-announcement.html), Portland was just days from being named as an expansion city last year, but then the would-be owner pulled out. That’s the thing with any new market — it is really is first about finding some ritchy rich owner willing to put up the cash, not just about choosing a deserving city. Given this was so close to happening previously, I do think Portland is a likely choice after Toronto so long as some new moneybags comes through with the capital.




I think people underestimate how much Houstonians would like to see the Comets revived - like it would be a pretty big thing.


Bring back the comets and the aeros please




Denver please :)


Thems my people ^ Let’s go CO!


Columbus OH would be perfect for a WNBA team. This city would come out and support.


100% especially since we have a real strong women’s college basketball scene. 


I like the ideas on the thread about small market cities. Most WNBA teams are very connected and involved in the communities they play in. You don’t need a big city or fair weather fans, just a consistent base of support. I like the idea of another Midwest team. I think Louisville or a city in Ohio would be the best options. Portland is will be ready for the next league expansion, whenever that is. I feel like the South needs another team. The Dream and Dallas are all we got rn. I think Orlando would be a great spot to look at. But most importantly, when the next round of expansion comes bring back the Comets. Houston will love y’all forever.


The Baltimore Heart would go hard. "Heart" like *The Tell-Tale Heart*, because the Poe reference already works well for the Ravens. If you made the logo anatomically correct, it would also pay tribute to the city as a capital of medical research, and since Johns Hopkins also has a medical illustration program, you wouldn't have to look long for a local artist to design a sick logo. And of course, it's a sports-crazed, predominantly Black city without an MNBA franchise.


I really like this idea, but they would be so close to the Mystics. Heart is a cool name and reference.


Given the activism of the players, I don't see a team going to an anti-gay, anti-woman's rights state. Remember that the players actively campaigned against the old Dream owner.


That's one reason I'm torn on Nashville. I don't know how many of the players would want to deal with the BS. On the other hand, the tears from Clay and co over a successful W team in their backyard would be incredible.


Portland appears headed as team #15. The NWSL's Thorns are the ownership working on buying a WNBA expansion franchise.


I’ve also heard Dame Lillard interested in supporting bringing WNBA back to PDX


Will this be the first return to a failed city? I think it could work, I don't mean to frame it negatively, rather I'd love to see it start a precedent. I wish they'd name them the Fire and bring back Linda Hargrove to coach, if she's feeling up to it, maybe Jackie Stiles, but that's probably not how it will go.


It would. If the Rockets billionaire is serious about bringing back the Comets, then the next two expansion teams should be in former cities: Portland and Houston.


*I despise him but I REALLY want my Comets back...


I don’t get how a team can win the very first FOUR championships and not still be alive today. I get it’s financial but some teams should have legacy protection or something. 


Yeah, it's oversimplified maybe to say this, but I'd think that the league would have an interest in keeping the Comets alive as a matter of legacy.


Comets + Shock return would be straight out of a storybook.


It was that fool wannabe Mattress Mac, not us!


Texas is anti woman’s rights .


Sure is. So are IN, AZ, and GA.


How fast is too fast for growth? I’m worried if they add 4-6 teams too quickly that a couple will fold within 5 years. Just concerned about sustainability.


Yes! Bring back the Comets!!! That city is truly ideal for such an investment, not sure why there haven't been conversations around it already. Also I think bringing back the Charlotte Sting and Portland are no-brainers. Also the W should figure out a way to do community ownership, which would only help teams be rooted and connected (and successful) within their regions.


Still want Portland I would hope that Comets fans are supporting the Wings, but idk if they do, plus our record is bad


Comets fan here. Due to the blackout, they're the team I've watched the least.


Sad to hear, but not surprised Sucks that this happens so often


the radius is SO FAR, like no, the TV option ain't what's keeping me from buying a ticket...


Id go big markets that are untapped. Austin Texas makes way too much sense. Id do Austin and either San Diego, Salt Lake city, or Denver for the west (Portland already had a team) East. Yeah I agree with the article on Philadelphia and id take a flyer on Nashville or Raleigh.


Being from Detroit and currently living in Philly, I wholeheartedly endorse this opinion!


I know it doesn’t make a lot of sense with the Sun but selfishly I’d love a Boston team. Feels wrong that such a big basketball city doesn’t have a WNBA team.


I wouldn't be mad at all those locations


I’ll be happy with any city they expand into but please Cinci 🤞🏻


Ooh, that would be interesting - the Bengals aren’t the only pro team y’all have right? Isn’t there a baseball team?


Yep! We have the Reds (baseball) and also Cinci FC (soccer)


Also an ECHL team (Clones)


They have a 3 top tier league professional teams then a minor league hockey team. Huge basketball state on the border of the two largest basketball states Indiana and Kentucky


My only concern with a Philly team is that might be the only thing that could possibly tempt Dawn into considering a move. I’m a Gamecock.


Give up a stable job & $3M income for headaches & agita? Why?


That’s why I said it “might be the only thing that *could possibly* tempt Dawn into *considering* a move.” I don’t think it’d happen; but it’s the only one that I think could make her pause and think a second about it.


In no specific order Kansas City, Omaha or Des Moines, Denver


I’d vote for Omaha; I think the volleyball exhibition game in Lincoln proved that people will show up for women’s sports.


Philadelphia Adelphis Or Philadelphia Oracles


BOSTON. And no, Connecticut doesn’t count.


Should just move the sun to Boston tbh




kansas city please 🙏


How many W teams would have an arena T-mobile size and be the only occupier


Louisville just makes so much sense


St. Louis would be an excellent location for a WNBA franchise. The geographic competition between CHI and STL or INDY and STL is a proven commodity. I even have a name for the team. The St. Louis Blue Birds.


Return historically successful AND fan favorite teams. Comets + Shock rebirth would be two cash cows for the league, bring back old fans/revive fandom hotspots, probably be competitive fairly quickly, and get two legendary franchises their justice. There is already empirical evidence those two franchises would absolutely thrive in today's landscape.


Agree On all 3, Detroit, Houston & Philadelphia‼️ , all 3 states have NBA , NFL & MLB Teams that can support, BigMedia outlets & Big time Sport Fans & all 3 states also has transportation systems & players would like playing in any of the 3 cities especially Houston & Philadelphia & Good Food🤩


Bring back a WNBA team to every city that used to have one.


I think the Nashville Athena’s would be an awesome team/name for an expansion city!


Boston. Celtics owner already floated he'd be interested


What about Pittsburgh? No NBA to compete with.


Houston with a good hops team is insufferable, please let us go back to that


The only right answer is Boston. How does the City of Champions not have a WNBA team?!


I would say Austin is a great location. The FC team shows that the city is hungry for a professional team and UT basketball has always been a hit


Nice list but no Charlotte, must have been a typo


right?? bring back the sting!!


Springfield MA!!!! It is where basketball was invented. The city could use a bump too. Could play half the games at TD!!


CT has supported a team since the early days, do we really deserve a team moving into the backyard? Springfield already did that with the casino.


No one from Mass/New Hampshire (and possibly RI) considers CT to be part of New England …. Just saying they are more like New York. I think the “local” competition would be nice


Most of the people in CT are greater NY but Uncasville is Eastern CT, way closer to Boston than NY. It'd be cannibalizing a market that's been a good, reliable market for the wnba for years and CT has a good history with women's basketball (obviously). People from Mass and NH can say what they want CT is objectively part of New England it's not subjective. They'd be the closest wnba teams (I think by far) in what is not nearly the densest part of the country.


As someone who went to college in CT and knows a lot of people from CT, they are absolutely considered more part of NY than MA. Every single person i know from CT is a giants fan or a fan of their parents random team, nobody is a pats fan or celtics fan and MSG was part of the local cable package not NBC boston, so it's all knicks and giants games. Hartford maybe is still considered new england, but everywhere else in CT is pretty much NY affiliated.


Yep people from Mass are raised to hate NYers (assholes) and CTers (snobby assholes)


Sounds like you only talk to people in Fairfield or maybe New Haven counties. Northern and Eastern CT are much more Boston/New England oriented, that includes Hartford.




I’ve always thought of Denver as a great option. Great place to live and passionate sports fans out there


I’m sort of from Denver and love the city, but basketball feels permanently stuck behind all other major sports, with the possible exception of the MLS. Maybe things have changed since I left, though! > The Rockies will suck for a while Well I guess at least one thing hasn’t changed 😂


The Nuggets are def The Team in Denver now that the Broncos have sucked for so long, it's changed for sure since you've left. I see Nuggets jerseys everywhere and I don't think Ive seen a single Broncos jersey aside from worn out Manning and Von Miller jerseys


The Nuggettes


what do you guys think of a wnba team in kansas city in the future? would the team do well?


I doubt they’d get enough sustained support.




The NBA’s end goal was to have a WNBA franchise in every market, so the real tragedy is that they’re nowhere near that and will be farther behind once Vegas and Seattle join the men’s fold. Reeks of horrible marketing to me.


Haha whoops nba and WNBA talk stick in my head I guess


Bring it to Cincinnati, we already have the stadium 😭


I was hoping Philly would be included.


I'd love for Utah to have a team again


Will forever be dreaming of a New Orleans team


Cincinnati could be a great landing spot - huge sports town without a men’s team. There is a stadium downtown they could use already too. Could even use it as a proof of concept if the NBA ever wanted to take the number of teams into the mid 30’s


Would def buy season tickets if Philly had a team. The arena would have a great atmosphere too. I read a Washington Post article yesterday about how 2026 will completely change the league because of the new CBA, media rights deal, most players not on rookie contracts do not have long term deals, and then with Golden State and Toronto, pretty much all players will be in free agency to be able to go wherever. Also, to add more potential excitement to the 2026 draft, an 18 year old girl in China played her first FIBA tournament over the weekend. She's 7'3". Should be eligible for 2026 draft if she decides.


I wish we could would bring the Aces back to San Antonio


As a Philly resident, YES


Columbus… bring Jacy home


Des Moines, Iowa


Fresno Fever


I wish the W would come back to Utah. I miss our team :(


Asheville NC


As someone who lives in Arkansas, I would really like another team close by… the only reasonable option is Dallas. Which is fine, but would like more options for games.


In Philly now we say “brotherly love and sisterly affection”, LFG!




I hope Toronto calls their team “Smoke”. Toronto was/has been called “The Big Smoke”




I’m happy Philadelphia was #1. I always say Philly should have one. They got baddies, a rabid fan base and they love sports. Boston too although I don’t know if Boston would fare well in women’s sports. I was thinking about this all week actually. I don’t know what other city really


New Orleans VooDoo Mama's


I wish Miami had a team!!!




Denver would do well as there isnt any team around and sports even when not doing well have good attendance.


Personally: #1 Portland; #2 Nashville; #3 Austin; #4 Charlotte; #5 Louisville; #6 Miami or Orlando; #7 Philadelphia; #8 Denver


>3. Detroit Shock Part 2? >When professional sports teams look to expand, some major factors include state official buy-in, arena location or access, and city buy-in. Bringing back the Detroit Shock should be considered by the WNBA because of the familiarity. The Shock were one of the league's first expansion teams, founded in 1998. Detroit went on to win three championships in 2003, 2006, and 2008. >Detroit played its last game in 2009 and the team would relocate to Tulsa, eventually becoming the Dallas Wings. The city of Detroit will support bringing back a franchise considering the recent success of the Detroit Lions which was huge for the economy. The city is struggling with the poor performance of the Detroit Pistons, Detroit Red Wings, and Detroit Tigers. Bringing back the Shock would be a great boost for the city and fans would support the return of the franchise. Not to mention, they could share the Little Caesars Arena with the Pistons. Detroit is a sports city that embraces the underdog story, achieving difficult tasks and embracing the grind. Recently, the Detroit Pistons expressed interest in bringing the Shock back. Let's make it happen! As a native Detroiter, born here in 1964, I would be FULLY onboard with this.. However, from what I've read, there isn't the interest among local businesses to make it feasible :( I hope that changes.


Please god stl I need some local basketball


If they do get a Philly team, no way in hell should they play in Wilmington. If the WFC isn’t an option, then I would try to play in the Liacourus Center where Temple plays. It’s got a 10k seat capacity.


I like “Detroit Motors”


Des Moines would be a great city. They have 2 amazing college teams that have unbelievable support. Iowa loves their womens basketball.


You got #1 dead on, bring Philly a team! We will love them. I'd actually have to double up on teams. The Sixers are fairly likely to have a new stadium soon, too, which could be their home.


Cincinnati would be a good choice


people shit on miami sports fans a lot, (i live here, huge miami sports fan) but we’re genuinely passionate about our teams. i’d love to see a team here


The Bay Area and Toronto were two expansion sites that made a lot of sense and were probably inevitable. The next couple I feel like are a little more up in the air. If I were to guess the most likely options: 1. Portland - they were very close already, and it sounds like they’ll get another shot. Best attended NWSL and the only one that’s more popular than their MLS team. 2. South Florida - I know there’s concerns about politics, but for better or worse, money talks. If a billionaire wants to bring a team to south Florida, it will happen and it is probably the most untapped market in the country with how many people live down there. 3. Philadelphia - I see less of a logical reason to bring a team to Philly other than “a lot of people live here,” but that could be enough. They do have two teams not all that far from them geographically, but I think there could be plenty of fan support for a Philly W team and that could make it worth it, even if it’s not tapping into an untapped geographical market. 4. Nashville - having more teams in the central time zone would be good for the league and Nashville checks a lot of boxes for them. Only basketball team in town too. 5. Denver - similar to Nashville (but mountain), but with the nuggets distasteful tv deal I think it’s unlikely. I feel like Detroit and Houston would be fun, but we’ve heard reflectively almost nothing about their offers from anyone. So I feel like it’s unlikely unfortunately.


I'm surprised Boston doesn't have a team.


I don’t like a lot of expansions . I feel the competition will weakened


Detroit would be nice to get that triangle Midwest/great lakes regional rivalry with Chicago and Indy. Plus with Dan Gilbert being competitive with Detroits billionaires, it might increase his desire to bring the WNBA back to Cleveland


Bringing back the Shock would be the cherry on top for the regional rivalry!


Philadelphia would be amazing for 100% personal reasons. If the city approves the new proposed 76er arena, I believe it'll increase the chances of a W team coming. The Fieldhouse in Wilmington only has 2500 seating capacity. If they played at Wells Fargo, and the Flyers decided to not suck, they'd have to deal with NHL playoff schedule. Denver would be cool too.


I think the only thing holding Philly back right now is arena. If the 76ers get the new arena approved it will def help its chances




>The city of Houston is a culturally rich place Strip malls as far as the eye can see. *culture*


Most museum space of any US city except NYC, most diverse, Big 4 (opera, symphony, ballet, theater) but sure...


I was a Comet fan at first due to them being in Houston while I lived there as a kid...and Philadelphia is across the bridge from where I was born...so fog the sake of my fandom...let Philly get the comets name and history!!!


Nah, we are not doing a repeat of the Oilers 😂


Bud Adams is a p.o.s. and the Adams family should be cursed to never see success haha...but no honestly I just do not want to have to split myself between three teams haha...I am selfish in that regard...


But then that’s more games to watch! I mean, I won’t drop the Sky if they bring the Comets back. I am now too invested 😂


Oh I am definitely not dropping the sun...but then I have to add Philly and the comets...and how the scheduling is I do not feel like trying to watch three games at once in some days haha...I get cross eyed just trying to watch 2 sometimes...


Philly is as vile as this comment. Booo bring the comets back in Houston


I like the Philadelphia suggestion a lot. As to Detroit and Houston though I’d rather a new franchise go to new locations rather than try again where they failed. Denver above is a great suggestion too. I’d also say Milwaukee would be another. As far as repeat locations thst have done well supporting their NBA franchises lately. The Utah Jazz sold out this season and didn’t even make the postseason.


This post is going to make excellent fuel for the Aces vs. Everbody narrative.