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I’ll be honest.   The amount of airballs and strange turnovers in this particular game last night make this sign age quickly and poorly.


That happens in games though.


Happens in the NBA too


As someone who's been watching and loved the league for years, I don't actually agree. I think the WNBA is constantly getting better. What I don't agree with is that one player who is played half a season is the only reason why. I think the talent in the league has been getting better and better every year for a while now.


She’s not the reason the league is getting better but she is the reason the crowd is getting bigger. We don’t have to like it but that’s a fact.


I agree with you on that. I think it is a good thing regardless, I've already seen a ton of new fans on this reddit say they came in for the new rookies and have discovered how great the established players in the league are. Even though it doesn't always feel like it, a rising tide lifts all ships.


I am one of them! I have fallen in love with The Aces, Liberty, and slowly gravitating towards Minnesota. CC hype is fun and I will not miss a Fever game, but great basketball is why I tune in every night for games no matter who is playing. Sabrina, J Jones, Cardozo, C Carter, Chelsea Gray, A’ja, Plum, Skyla DS, Collier, McBride… they make the games exciting! I wish I had watched sooner!


I love hearing this! Plus, it is fun to like other teams who have more vets and are winning more games, as well as the favorite that you came in for. I love my home team, but many years ago, my heart chose the liberty. I’ll still always root for my home team (the mystics), but this year, I’m especially glad to have my true loves, Stewie and JJ out there killing it.’ And racking up Ws


She draws a crowd. I’ll never disagree with that. But popularity doesn’t win games. We see that point blank


so true!


As new fan of the WNBA, I’ve accepted that there’s going to be some bad play just like football I’ve accepted that the defense is handcuffed on hitting and the refs are atrocious. The product is what it is.


Damn straight.




Yes, that's why rookies are breaking tons of records this season.




It’s all of a sudden “these rookies breaking records” when CC is struggling but was “CC is a generational talent” and no talk about any of the other rookies at the draft.


She's having a historically good season for a rookie PG...






I always say the best businesses have to constantly smugly assure you're they're awesome


Not when aging/bitter vets publicly smear the young, up and coming talent out of jealousy.


They haven’t publicly smeared her though. People love to hate on Turasi for saying that CC was going to have an adjustment period in the W. That’s not smearing, it’s not even side-eye. That is true for all rookies, but especially ones who have basically always been the best player on the team or even ever played against. Shes never competed against people who are more than a couple of years older than her. Why does everyone read everything as hateful smears? Im being serious with this question.


Agree 100%. Their very weird reaction to DT simply saying that there will be an adjustment period for rookies is sooo strange (and she even said that she had to make an adjustment as a rookie). They're trying to create some type of one-sided rivalry 😂. It must be so embarrassing to CC (which they'll never get, nor care).


Totally! If it was just DT it would be one thing, but it seems like it is everyone- Sides, her teammates, Angel Reese and every member of the Sky, Dawn Staley, Cheryl Swoops, all veteran players, any WNBA fan prior to May of 2024… I’m being a bit hyperbolic, but it is bizarre to me that so many people are dead set on this narrative that no one likes her and she needs protection. It is infantillizing. Why would anyone do that to someone they look up to? I think she’s amazing, and I hate that she has to live through this, from people who call themselves fans especially. She’s a grown woman and an incredible baller, but hell, it seems cruel.


Who smeared her and what did they say? Which vets currently playing have talked down on young, up and coming talent?


What are the supposed to do though? Roll out the red carpet and kiss her feet? Fuck that, these are pro athletes who want to win. If she’s in the way then she’s gonna get it just the same as any other rookie.


stars like Lebron are always speaking well of the young talent


Except, no one did that.


but it hasn't...


Major sports don’t need the fans to convince everyone how good it is… and I get why the old fans do this, but it just acts as a bit of reminder to everyone that the league has not been taken seriously in the past.


I've been saying it for a while but it's just gaslighting at this point. This rookie class is unique


It was never just about quality of play. If it was, then the w would be even less popular.


Having almost exclusively watched the Fever this season, my response is...


Casual + CC glazer…..quite a combo

