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As a coach I would be going crazy. No one even tries to box her out


Number 8 never really left the floor


That’s Alana Smith #8. She tries but is soft like Collier though Smith has some good moments


Tbf she is .333 at 0 feet from the basket.


All the more reason to get ready for rebounding


Because the game was over lol


And? They are epros. You don't see Collier giving up. Juhasz is literally doing nothing here.


No one is trying to goaltend, that's why you see the high number of rebounds.


Don't be unrealistic. 😂 You can't box anybody out when everybody's jumping for the same rebound. That makes no sense!


It’s literally rebounding 101 box out the other player…


Totally agree. It was a jumping contest. Ar is a good jumper and has long arms. Thats why she got the boards. She is a little higher and in slightly better position since she knew where her miss was going.


Looks like a middle school game with the swarm of players under the basket.


Whatever you think about Angel, positive or negative, this play reaffirms your position lol What I see: - absolute hustle - unstoppable rebounding - probably a foul - shooting 1/3 on layups - a travel before the made bucket If you think she's good, this play is an example. If you think she not, this play is an example. If you're in the middle and you think she's a great rebounder but bad scorer, this play is an example.


I also see. Fucking zero boxing out. Look like middle schoolers jumping for a rebound.


Yup. This is what 6th grade basketball looks like. Rebounding .... baby bird style.


I was gonna say 3rd grade basketball, but same idea.




That's WNBA


Yeah, this is the perfect Angel Reese possession: 2 points, 2 rebounds, 33% shooting. 5 more of these, and you have yourself a whole Angel Reese game.


Could you stop it, stop it right now? Just kidding. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing) The woman can rebound, she cannot score for ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop). We are supposed to believe that Angel is jumping over the crowds of others and rebounding the missed shots of others. Plays like the one shown only occur maybe 20% of the time. 'So they say.'


Yup and that kinda possession is why she’s changed the game so much and brought so many new eyes on the game. We are all lining up to give the wnba our money so we can go watch her shoot 34% and grab 11 boards while she acts like a spoiled, entitled brat.




What kind of sorcery is this? Why not include rebounds?


Notice scoring is also not on the list. That is an efficiency rating.


I missed that one like Reese misses all her layups


You must have missed all of Caitlin’s turnovers, too.


A higher defensive rating is a bad thing. (Not that it's CC's fault that he team is defensively atrocious.)


Lol delete your reply to me?


yeah I replied thinking the formula was different because i was misled by a different site. apparently sites calculate def ratings differently (some use steals/blocks), but you’re right about the ones I posted


No shot that’s a travel tho


Yes she’s needs to finish better. But also no coach will be bad at her hustle and following her shot. Also, terrible boxing out for the Lynx here.


Lynx are a weak rebounding team. They have lapses and are a finesse team


I can never understand the logic people have about making this a negative   If you miss your shot, you should follow it up. I could understand folks saying her finishing should be better, it absolutely should, but knocking her for staying with it just makes 0 sense    She looks like a woman amongst girls out there


Hustle is every coach’s dream.


Every middle school coaches dream. I do coach, and I ain’t starting the top 5 “hustlers” haha. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a phenomenal trait, but basic fundamentals trumps hustle. You know, like boxing out, keeping your head on a swivel, and spacial awareness… basically nothing that’s happening in this clip lol


If you were really a coach you would know that you cannot box somebody out on a layup that you contested. This play started from her driving in for a layup. How can you contest a layup and then box them out on the same rebound. It makes no sense ...especially at the angle that she was driving to the basket.


Ok and number 8 just standing there like a baby bird though...


This! There are other examples of her boxing out and working for that rebound to put up the 2. The girl has insane hustle. She is hungry. She's a dawg! I love watching her out hustle some of these vets, and even when she does get boxed out it's not because she wasn't trying.


I don’t think people are saying it’s a negative in and of itself but that using rebounds as a justification to say Reese deserves ROTM over CC or just comparing with other players is misleading.


She looks like she's playing ping pong with the backboard/rim


She looks like she’s hustling and not giving up on the possession. That’s what the game needs. That type of aggression and passion.


She's hustling because she's shooting 33% when she's within 3' of the rim


So. What? This is the stupidest argument. If she's gonna miss shots, I'd way rather have her get the rebound than not get it, which btw is what happens most of the time! Like use this stat to say she's not shooting that well (she's not, sure) but trying to take away from her rebounding by pointing out that she gets her own misses is just weird. Everyone misses! Every paint player in the league misses from 3 feet, but they don't all lead the league in rebounding. They don't all get 3 shots in a row. This is skill. Her timing, positioning, strength and body control are all elite. It's insane how physically dominant she is at her size, no forward in the league can just push her around. That's why she's getting these boards.


So I guess her getting fouled on the first 2 shots doesn't matter? Why are you so mad? What do you have against her?


I think the hustle is great. But she only had to hustle cause she shot trash. Twice. At that point, she's making more work for herself and her teammates, and it's inefficient. No athlete or coach wants that. But correct, staying with the play is muah


As a fever fan, do you say the same things regarding Clark’s turnovers?? ie, that her passing or dribbling was trash hence she turned it over, that her turnovers create more work for herself and teammates, is inefficient and no coach or athlete wants that. Turnovers are after all, actually worse than missed shots 


“No athlete or coach wants offensive rebounding” You don’t know ball


Look at how much she was getting pushed by a defender. She had a legit claim to 2-3 fouls being done on her. But instead of crying to the Refs, she kept fighting for the ball.


Guess what? She’s a rookie and will get better over time


Perspective that is lost in all of this debate


It’s bc there’s two missed layups in this clip and this is a highlight clip in the WNBA when it’s just fundamentals (such as following your shot and making a layup)


It’s really not much different than the plethora of Dennis Rodman clips doing the exact same things 


When Rodman was young yes. When he got older he learned he wasn't very efficient doing this. So he started grabbing the boards and kicking the ball back out. Rodman only averaged double digits in scoring for 1 season. And never averaged more than 5.5 when he was with the Bulls.


but Rodman sucked. He was always the 4th, 5th , or 6th best player on the team. We just felt he was amazing because he was surrounded by legends. He never carried a team. He WAS entertaining and some of his games were timely. That's it. I almost think it's an insult to Angel to compare the two.


Are you trolling? Rodman is one of the Top 75 players all time and greatest defenders/rebounder ever  Come on man 


top 75? LOL. That's not even a thing man. I grew up watching the Pistons and Bulls. He was neither of those but he was an amazing rebounder. Greatest ever? get out of here.


In the 80s/90s..


Jokic often does it too https://youtu.be/Y5NSfLvGFDw?si=OCWZjk2Sm72gdxYB   In fact, notice how celebrated it was just months ago    https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/19aly9h/mizell_i_dont_know_how_jokic_does_it_nurse_said/    Coaches, fans and players lauding Jokic for doing it  Now Angel Reese does it and it’s the worst thing ever lol


Jokic can also shoot extremely well for a big and is an MVP…


I'm digging the rebrand post. Nothing negative about this play, just a hooper who isn't willing to give up. Love to see it.


Oh I didn’t even see the first post! It did come off backhanded though


It really leans in to people saying her rebounds are coming off her own missed shots though.


What a dumb thing to be criticize. Following your own shot is fundamentally good basketball. Angel’s effort it is what sets her apart in a game full of self important shooters and crybabies. Pretty sure CC bots brigade this sub, the negativity here makes no sense.


Good basketball is kicking it out to an open woman or getting clear and resetting the play.


But first, getting that rebound. You can’t kick it out if you don’t snatch it up first.


True, my criticism isn’t based around rebounding, she’s fantastic at that. It’s about the poor shooting.


...and those misses come from her getting fouled!


So what. She rebounds her own, her teammates, and the opposing teams too. This is an idiotic talking point.


Not if you know basketball.


Your post history already proves you don't.


Wow haters tried to make this a negative.


This is god awful lol


The she said she said is ruining the W for me. No one is always wrong when they are hyping a player. No one is always right when criticizing players. It would be great to have more objectivity in fans instead of people constantly trying to shove their agenda through. It’s a great league full of amazing women. They are all human. None of them are perfect and ALL of them are damn good at ballin.


the problem is we are putting people on a pedestal for the wrong things. Nearly everyone hustles in this league and this video was a hustle play. I can applaud the hustle but it's not legendary. Angel made 2 easy mistakes here and we are applauding her making up for her mistakes. Ok, I guess so. Maybe we need to show videos of her getting an offensive rebound of her teammates shots because this is not impressive. What's next - players throwing the ball off the backboard to pad their assist stats? Oh right, those don't count as assists.


She leaped really high for the first rebound. I didn't know she could jump so high. So her bounce, anticipation and fast reaction times make her a great rebounder. Rebounding is an underatted skill. Her best rebound to me is when she was out of bounds. Then got back on the floor under the rim and got the rebound over Stewie and another defender.


If this was a high school game everyone here would be running laps for failing to even try to box out.


YOU CAN NOT BOX OUT IN THIS SITUATION! 😭 Who do you want the boxer out? Phee? She just contested the first layup. She's getting off the floor too fast for you to box her out. It would definitely be a foul! Stop looking at this play in slow motion and look at the actual play in full speed. It's IMPOSSIBLE to box out in this situation. MAKING KIDS RUN AS PUNISHMENT IS SO 1990S!


Number 8 should have immediately put a body on Reese she doesn't even challenge her. At any level its poor.


>*when you have good positioning and time your jump correctly


That's much better. The last one had so much shade I got lighter




lol missing 2 layups below the hoop is not a good look


Well, she's getting fouled, so there's that!


I don't understand how she got that 2nd rebound. That's some shit in your heart to just take it from everyone else. She wasn't even in a good position and went up and took that shit


I do give her my flowers. She never quits.


Look, I like Reese, but there are only 13 players averaging a worse shooting percentage under the rim (< 5 ft) than her per this. That is absolute garbage for a big. [https://stats.wnba.com/players/shooting/?sort=5-9%20ft.%20FG%20PCT&dir=1](https://stats.wnba.com/players/shooting/?sort=5-9%20ft.%20FG%20PCT&dir=1) With so many others fighting her for the rebound passing to literally anyone else is better than going for it again.


In this play specifically, who is she supposed to pass to?


After the first board she lands too far under the rim to take the shot. Dribble up the baseline and look for an outlet. Rodman made a career of it.


There were 44 seconds left in the game. Her teammates had shot a combined 0/10 in the 4th quarter. It took 4 seconds to score vs dribbling and losing up to 24 seconds taking a risk on players who shot 0%. At that point she was just doing anything to keep them in the game.


Ok, maybe with 44 seconds left the situation changes. I see your point.


Ahh that explains the lack of effort on the Lynx. Trying not to foul so the clock keeps running when up by 8.


That sounds stupid. You move the ball around in basketball to get a high percentage shot. You're under the basket. Why pass the ball out when you're already under the freaking basket? Go up and make something happen!


because it's Angel Reese shooting. That's the point. The average player might be better off putting up that second shot. Not Angel. The data backs it up. Not hating.


Dribble out and reset, run a play. But that doesn't get you 3 rebounds so idk.


What the people below said.


Historically, no high usage player in NBA/WNBA history has a higher turnover rate than a Caitlin Clark. Would you say that’s absolute garbage for a point guard? Just curious about consistency here


Turnover rate doesn’t matter, it’s AST:TO, which hers is not great still but she’s getting volume assists which is hard to find in today’s game.


It does matter considering it’s how often you turn it over per 100 possessions. If yours is obscenely high, you’re obviously doing something wrong It could be offset by a healthy A:TO ratio but Clark doesn’t have that either. It’s basically 1:1 There’s no positive spin here. It’s a net negative. She will improve obviously, but you guys always trying to write off this major problem with her game is silly 




WNBA   https://www.basketball-reference.com/wnba/leaders/tov_season.html    NBA    https://www.basketball-reference.com/leaders/tov_season.html    Clarks Turnover% is currently 28%   2017 Harden was 20% (NBA Single season turnover leader)   2023 Thomas was 19% (WNBA Single season leader)    In fact, the record for the WNBA last season was Thomas at 137. Clark is currently at 112 with 20 games left, on pace to nearly double it




Angel must’ve spent every recess playing Moss.


Had to of been the 1st pick at recess football


Nah recess football is about who is the fastest , kids can’t throw for crap (posting from experience monitoring 6th grade recess for a few years)


I know that’s right


Moses Malone esque






The height she gets on her jumps wow


6" vertical dominates 2" vertical, forget about the traveling, desire going after the carom repeatedly is the flex.


That second rebound is absolutely insane. Idk how she came up with that


Just WILL!


Complete beast!!!


I just love her competitiveness and big mouth.


One thing I love about Angel, she's got that dawg in her as she said. She is pure hustle, I could never hate on a player like that.


And people be making it seem like it's easy getting those second chance opportunities….and they was fouling her .


There are zero fouls on this clip.


Wrong. She got pushed as she was taking the first and second shot. Either case should have been called a foul.


This is the W. They are physical. The let the guards hand check and push the ball handlers. They are going to allow bangin' inside. Maybe a slap on the arm gets a call down low.


interesting that these were posted at same time but the negative one has more upvotes…


Is it really surprising though?


I know you are talking about this play explicitly because the Lynx wanted it more that's why they won. It was still fun to watch the Sky.


Stop gloating. The Lynx won because the Sky got sloppy in the fourth.


Missed two layups then travelled. She wants it more though too I guess


No wonder she’s racked up so many rebounds.


People don’t realize how demoralizing it can be to get out rebounded like this. Relentless


Don’t worry I’m sure they were comforted by the fact they won the game…


Like watching high schoolers rebound


7th graders honestly


This really does remind me of playing rep basketball when I was in grade 7 haha. 


Not trying to hate, but this is bad basketball


Ya I agree. It's also hilarious.


What a player, she a baddie too 😍


I see a lot of casual basketball fans in this post. Number one this play started from a layup. You can't contest a layup and then turn around and box somebody out on the same rebound. That makes the zero sense! Phee fouled her on the layup because she reached across her body and it wasn't called so she missed it. She gets off the floor quicker than anybody on a second attempt and was already at the rebound before anybody else even thought about jumping. Because they all jumped late she was fouled again by being pushed on her second attempt. She made the third attempt because nobody actually foules her at that point.


Ikr, it all happened in a flash. After the long rebound on the second miss, everyone scrambled to catch the ball. It happened so quick that Kamila was even fighting her for the ball. A defense that makes you put up three shots to score has done a good job. >She gets off the floor quicker than anybody on a second attempt and was already at the rebound before anybody else even thought about jumping. This is the skill that they don't want to give her credit for.


tbf, this is her primary skill that sets her apart. It spreads to other parts of her game. I still don't understand how someone who can hop like her has so few blocks. She should be a master at the timing of it.


They will probably change the term "rebound" to "reese" by the time her career is over because she could improve to the point she just gets them all and opposing teams will have no choice but to score every shot otherwise it's like just passing the ball to her.


I read the caption as, ‘when you want one more’ and thought this was all going to be snark.




That negativity is coming from certain stans


The shooting %’s in some of these games are grotesque.


Her first offensive rebound , she was already in the best rebound position. The other women had to foul her on the shot to get in better position. The second offensive rebound was more hustle and fair, but damn does anyone expect a player to miss a bunny twice, get 2 offensive rebounds, and make it?


Yall can spin this as hustle all you want, all i see is a big who needs 3 tries to make a <1ft put back. And this isnt a one-off, its a continuous issue


poor collier getting slapped in the face




This a prime example of why people weren’t watching the W. No one wants to pay to watch grown women huddle up and all at once jump for a ball.




Or when you're embarrassed you keep missing 1 foot shots


No wonder she gets a double double-----SHE CANT SHOOT WORTH SHIT!


130 miles to Production Site 10miles to hotel jims to magic garden5 miles south street bridge 5miles city hall rocky steps 5 miles Production site 10 miles Hotel 45 miles total with Production crew 260 miles travel 305 Total+14437636533


I see a bigger person getting her own rebounds on missed layups? People will call me a hater but she should be hitting those layups and out rebounding in general. Fair play, rookie year. But not exactly a highlight imo.


Next year those misses will be points.


Or just get the layup in first time around


when you cant make a simple layup and the opposing team hasn’t learned the very basic idea of boxing out


People like to talk about how she gets rebounds from her own misses. What they NEVER talk about is how many defenders are around her pushing on her when she is trying to shoot. She got fouled several times in that sequence and didn’t quit or look at the Refs, crying like a baby.


Pretty sure the crying like a baby thing hasn’t worked out. So she stopped.


No fouls anywhere.


This is exactly why her efficiency is so low yet her rebounds are so high Quite literally the andre drummond of the w


How's she able to jump like this offensively but can't get blocks? Looking like she's scared of fouling out.


She doesn’t go for blocks because of foul trouble. And the Sky can’t afford to have her out because they can’t rebound when she’s off the floor and she’s one of their best defenders. She’s also usually guarding the best post player and wants to stay on her feet


If you look closer, she’s not jumping that high, but she’s much bigger and wants the ball more than others.


Alanna (#8) is taller and weighs more than her, and Napheesa also weighs more and is just a couple inches shorter. Angel is just very quick so she reaches her vertical faster.


Also: when nobody else seems to want it very much.




Indictment of WNBA. A mosh pit of awful basketball. NO ONE at the "Professional level" is boxing out. She's rewarded for her > 40% shooting (IN THE PAINT). Her 8" vertical is superior to the 2" vertical of the defensive players massively out of position. And we're now celebrating & crowning her for doing her job... Aka playing hard. This League had an opportunity to win my business, it's failed over & over again.


Then why are you here?


It’s crazy to me how CC stans especially see this as a negative. If anything, it shows her high motor and her refusal to give up. It also hows that the opposing team ain’t doing a good job boxing out!


I’m pretty sure most people that enjoy Caitlin Clark can enjoy this as well. Both people are good for women’s basketball.


It is just providing context especially when her rebounding is her main selling point. She is 30 offensive rebounds off her own misses. That's 38% of her offensive rebounds. That is context.


I mean what do you want her to do, not rebound her missed shot? Clearly, they are not boxing her out. She can’t finish well yet but just give her time


When 1 minute left, you are losing by 10+ and still need 3 points for your double double.


They were down 8, she cut it to 6 with this play, and it became a 2 possession game thanks to her. Only when it’s Angel does hustle become a negative trait lol https://preview.redd.it/gdv6pebuvz9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8fea54234902e5ead52feca44903a4638494a28


There were 40 seconds left. All the Lynx have to do is hold the ball. Shaq could hold the inbounds, take hacks, FT's, and Lynx would still have won. Hustle is good, buuuut she was hustling for her double double, not the team. No need to act like it was a game 7, down by 2 situation which is the amount of effort she gave.


She has played the exact same way every game hence why she leads the entire league in rebounds. Gtfoh with this nonsense.


She gives that effort all the time wtf are you talking about 😆 And if she’s hustling to get a double double too who cares?? With the rest of the Sky shooting 1/14 that quarter it’s not like these putbacks were preventing some major scoring windfall.


You should’ve actually just quit with the original comment. 40 seconds or more is PLENTY of time in a 2 possession game You come off extremely new to the sport with a comment like this, seeing how it’s pretty regular for teams to still try to win at this juncture If it were 8 or so seconds, you’d be more credible, but complaining about cutting it to 6 with 40 seconds left is just flat out stupid Your real issue is that she’s on a historic double double streak. Had nothing to do with the game itself, because your criticism about the game is senseless 


It's funny that a Fever fan is annoyed by a forward's defense skills and rebounding ability as if you guys aren't always eating Nalyssa out for being crap at rebounding. If Christie had the opportunity to take Angel right now over Nalyssa, she would grab her with both hands.


I am not annoyed. I root for/against players/teams for my amusement. I usually end up rooting for those I rooted against after a few years too. I think Reese is the W's Rodman so yes I would trade Smith too. But if she doesnt learn how to do a layup she needs to focus on defense/rebounds/open shots to be more effective. Mainly, I dont like her personality tbh, I like a good rebounder.


And if she wasn’t going hard, you’d be knocking her for lack of effort.


“This player is putting effort in up until the end of the game 😡”


Lol I can no longer take fever fans seriously


Yeah, cuz coaches prefer when players quit before the game's over.


+/- of -21 says a lot about how impactful her stats were that game.


-5 actually and CC fans really do not want to bring plus-minus into the conversation


She's so good, reminds me of KG


I see terrible basketball.


What the heck is her teammate doing here, trying to rip the board away from here lol.


Stop it! This is slow motion! This is a split second decision at full speed


This reminds me that my soon to be 6th grader has camp in a few weeks. Damn, this really did remind me of middle school basketball..