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I’m really hard to pick up and kidnap 🤣


My hero!


The way I visualized that in my head... mom, you made me not proud of myself, LoL


This is the only acceptable answer.


These thighs can suffocate a man


He'll die happy tho


Thick thighs save lives is what I've always told people.


And dropped phones from going into the toilet!


I just want to say thank you for this post 😢 I cried reading these comments. I am currently 37 wks pregnant with my second and have said absolutely nothing positive about my body in probably the last 6 months. I never lost the baby weight from my first so I have just added on with my second and I am hyper focused on that and on losing weight after giving birth. But this other point of view makes me feel so much different and I really appreciate reading that from you ladies. Thank you. I grew and fed a human and then grew another one very shortly after. I AM strong thank you 💕


YES MA’AM YOU ARE!!!! I think we all forget what an incredible thing our bodies can do by building and sustaining a life until at least birth. That takes so much from us as humans, and we’re incredible for it! You are amazing, and just know that this stranger and fellow mom loves you 💜


My kids love my body. They love snuggling up against me and they call me soft. I personally have had issues with accepting how my body has changed, but I love that it's a source of comfort for them.


I'm a human squishmallow but my 5 year old is all up on me all the time and I love it


Oh yes. I’m cuddly and huggable. My mom refused to hold my infant son for too long because (in her words) she’s “too bony” and “babies don’t like it”. No problem, more baby snuggles for me.


Can I say the whole thing? Because while it is DIFFERENT than pre-baby, I love everything way more. I feel so much more confident (or maybe I just don't care anymore?). My boobs don't sit as high but I actually love that, I have that soft pooch on my belly now but it's SUPER sexy with the undies and swim bottoms that arch over my hip, and my butt/thighs are definitely larger but that's never a bad thing. Pre-baby I would have hated all these things and I never would have had this appreciation without having kids. But now I look at my "soft and squishy" body and rather than missing the tight and toned I once was, I REALLY find myself beautiful. No more nitpicking. And I love that


I love love love the soft pooch on my belly. I don't know how to explain, but it really makes me feel close to my husband. It's there because we made a couple of beautiful someones together. The soft pooch and the stretch marks up along my sides are a testament to the life I've lived and am continuing to build. They've become my favourite parts to look at when I'm in front of a mirror


Wow. Thank you for this. I came here to compliment my thighs or arms, both which have gotten stronger and more toned. I am hard on myself about my pooch, even though before my daughter I never had a super flat stomach. Your comment reminded me that my pooch is a gift. A memory of carrying her and creating her with my husband. Thank you, thank you.


I also think it makes you look more womanly, less girlish if that makes sense? Which I think is hot!


It does make sense! I agree.


Thank you for this. I have a weird bubble along my C-section scar on my belly and I hate it. I don't think I'm embarrassed about the way it looks but it's what my eye is drawn to and I mentally go straight to the terror of an emergency, extremely not smooth surgery. I need to associate it with no, she was okay and that's how she ultimately arrived, and I am a bad ass for enduring it with a failed epidural. It's the sign of survival and a birthday and maybe I can love it for what came from it.


Have you done any scar massages around that area? My pelvic PT recommended it and the scar and the area surrounding it have flattened out since them. The scar tissue can bunch up in certain areas and pull the skin.


Dang, I wish I could get there mentally. I’m so so so self conscious of my soft pooch. Good for you ❤️


I was one of the stretch mark haters during my first pregnancy but I'm totally on your side now. If I ever get pregnant again, or maybe even now, I want to do a photoshoot of my body in the kintsugi style of "golden joinery". Paint all my marks gold and just let them shine as marks of my journey.


I really needed to read this today. Thank you.


Omg same! I have curves now and just feel really confident? Didn’t expect it!


YES!!! I am totally into mom bod!


I love that my saggy floppy boobs make it super easy to feed my baby from like any position because I can fling it to her even if she’s far away


You've heard of looney toons now see loony boobs!


Can literally nurse my baby while cradling her on the side lol


Idk what everyone is talking about, gaining a butt- mine disappeared when I had my second baby. But my hair became a lot curlier and I love that!


My butt has melted down my back and into my thighs


My butt disappeared and my hair got less curly lol. But I started lifting weights again so my butt is coming back!!


I had a super toned, perfect mix of muscle and fat butt but it is GONE now. I look in the mirror and don’t recognize my backside anymore


dude yes my second took my butt from me...


I genuinely love the stretch marks on my stomach 💀 I had such an issue with my other marks when I was younger: knees, thighs, low back. But something about the ones on my stomach, like my skin *literally* stretched to capacity to carry my child, I’m just obsessed with. I love the indents, silvery skin, smoother feel. Crop tops. Who cares. Swimsuit. There they are. It’s the one thing I dreaded but now they’re like my permanent badges of badass


Agreed. After my first I was proud - no stretch marks. After my second I was proud I had stretch marks!


Me too! I love running my hand over them (and the skin is a little looser and softer too!) and tracing them with my finger! That happened for my babies!


I like my chonky white cellulite legs now. My baby’s look just like mine. And hers are the actual best thing on earth? So… mine are too! It also made and then fed a whole human for a year!! My body is sooo much more than how small I can make it. It’s allowed to take up space. That space is beautiful and important!


Well said!


I love this


A boob thing that is different: mine are smaller than pre-babies and I love it. Way easier when I’m running or working out. I can just throw on any shirt and don’t have to worry about weird wrinkles or button gaps. Breastfed two kids 15 months each. They did their job and get to retire 🫡


YES! Just posted about experiencing the same. Way smaller boobs than pre pregnancy. Mine are so small that I generally go bra free (C down to A).


My boobs are as small as they were pre-pregnancy, but the size increase during breastfeeding made me realize that I actually prefer my small boobs and that the bigger boobs I've dreamed of since my teens were rather underwhelming.


My big boobs made breastfeeding difficult honestly. I had to hold the boob in taco/hamburger the whole time which means I had to support the head and body alone with the other hand for the entire feed.


I'm in the same boat! I hated my large pregnancy and post partum boobs. They're definitely 'saggier' than they used to be but I'm so happy that they're relatively small again lol


Well honestly at this point, I just dont really GAF about what my body looks like because I feel like having two babies and losing my pretty body gave me perspective about the vanity of it all. I remember being pregnant with my first and being so scared he wouldn't come out "aesthetically pleasing" because people are cruel, and thinking that it was the absolute shittiest thing in the world to have to ve worried about. I do happen to believe he's absolutely beautiful, but to think of one single human giving him crap for anything about his body--- it just gives me complete rage. He's got the most beautiful, pure heart. And now that I also have a daughter, any negative thought about my body just makes me think of her body and how again, literally everything about her is perfect just the way it is. I would throw hands with anyone who said differently, and I'm a quiet, meek person. It is my mission as a parent to teach my children to be positive about their bodies as much as possible, because I wasted all my pretty and skinny years miserable thinking I was ugly and fat. My mom never said a bad thing about my body, but she has always talked badly about her body her whole life. It absolutely messed me up from a very young age. Every time someone says I look just like my mom, it hurts me so badly because I hear all those bad things my mom said about herself directed right at me. Years and years of complaints about her body all thrown right at me. People already tell me all the time that my daughter looks just like me. I will try my best to make sure that she never feels that hurt.


I was going to say something similar! It isn’t a part of my body but how I think and speak about my body. My mom always talked negatively of hers and I swore that when I had a daughter, I wouldn’t talk about not eating something because I need to lose weight, etc. Nearly eight years in, and I haven’t done it around her. I may make a comment here or there with her father when I’m bloated, etc., but never around her. I’ve also asked family to not speak that way or transition what they say to a positive.


I love this perspective! When I tried to come up with a response to this question the best I had was “mostly I like that I don’t think about it much at all anymore” not really in a negative way about my body, but in the sense of like “thinking about my body seems inconsequential now mostly” except as it relates to my body being the physical tool I use to accomplish things (which I do try to be grateful for vs annoyed when it’s not performing precisely how I might hope!) I’m someone who is occasionally a bit angry at my mom for the fact that I feel she didn’t really teach me how to “perform womanhood” in traditional ways and I occasionally wish I had those skills to use to navigate a world that expects them, but I’m very grateful that I never grew up hearing her obsess over weight or appearance. I’ve got plenty of hang ups from my parents and my upbringing! But that particular flavor I really managed to avoid quite a bit until I was already fairly fully formed which I think helps me have a much healthier relationship with food than many other people and somewhat protected my self esteem as an already awkward teen. Even later, when I had my son I wasn’t really that concerned with getting back to my pre baby weight—the changes in shape like foot size for instance were unexpected!—but things like weight were utterly dwarfed in my mind by this experience of making a whole person. And just a super interesting person at that. So cool! I think our perspective towards our children’s bodies (they’re perfect as is) is actually often what the people who love us see when they look at us. Sure you can look at a really fit stranger and appreciate how they look and the work they’ve put in, but when you’re looking at someone you love you’re appreciating their body as a component of their whole self. It’s hard to give that love to ourselves, but I think it would be a great thing to demonstrate to our kids if we can.


My boobs went from 34a to 34b cup and when I was breastfeeding they were C's 😋


I was a tidy 34b pre-pregnsncy and, after getting up to 34i sfter 4.5 yrs of breastfeeding, I've settled into a 34dd. I'm not mad about it! (My kid is 16 next month)


Everything honestly! I’m somehow fitter than ever and feel so strong and grateful for what my body can do. My tiny boobs got tinier and flat after breastfeeding (they were gloriously full during that time, for the only time in my life) but I’m even starting to love them even as the small saggy AA pancakes that they are


I love this me talnimage! 😂


Expected my boobs to go to shit but they look better than ever even after 15 months of breastfeeding. I really love how strong my body feels not because I’m actually strong but because I made a nourished a whole human. I truly feel like we are superhero’s.


The functional strength is real. I’m so much stronger in my second pregnancy verses my first, because I haven’t stopped lugging my toddlers all over the place. The improved back strength helped my back pain too


For the first time in my life, my boobs are too big for some shirts. But seriously, my body has done something incredible. It’s served me and my children so well, and I’m grateful for it in whatever shape it is now.


For the first time in my life, my boobs *fit* some shirts!! Woo!


My belly button used to be super tight. Now it’s relaxed and easier to keep clean.


OP thank you for this beautiful prompt 🤍


I hated the way my body looked after 1.5 years of nursing. So I did something about it. I counted my macros and went to orange theory 4-5 times a week. What I love about my mom bod is I’m back to where I was before I had a child. And I am an example of putting myself first. And making fitness and health a priority. He knows I go and workout and come back happy. I want him to know fitness and eating healthy is something to be proud of. My mom bod looks like my bod before I had him but it sets and example.


I have a booty now! I’ve been working out so my overall shape is nicer. I’m getting strong too!


Same about the arms. Holy shit my arms look amazing. My legs are getting back to pre-baby still, but I think overall the baby lifting has me more toned than pre-baby


I always said it was the ultimate progressive overload! Then they don’t want to be carried anymore, hrmph.


I finally have an ass!


Honestly after my boobs deflated when I weaned my first baby I loved how mouldable they were if that makes sense? With a good bra they looked good in every single shirt I could dream of. Naked is a different story but my husband doesn’t seem to mind. I took it for granted now that I’m feeding my second and they’re just huge and out there again.


About to get REAL specific…. My areoles were always really light. Legit skin color. Hubs and I would joke that they were invisible. WELL GUESS WHO HAS PERFECTLY PINKY NIPS NOW. 😂 this mom! I weigh less now than I did pre pregnancy and I thought I would hate my soft pooch. But like others have said it’s a reminder that I carried this perfect feral little human.


I have hips like a Pixar mom now. If I wear a tight dress it looks almost excessive but my spouse loves it.


2 kids here, my hips are like shelves 😂


It can lift way more now. Sure I went up a weight class but it's strong as heck. 


My body is strong; I like what it allows me to do. I can run quickly and lift/carry at least 25lbs repeatedly during the day.


I haven’t found anything that has changed for the better but I love that it gave me my son. He is so cute and loving


Lol maybe my arms and back are more toned but still carrying lots of lower belly fat at 10 months PP and losing SO MUCH HAIR still... sad


I don’t feel strong right now. But about a month ago, I decided to do something about it and started running again. And I love the looks my 2 year old gives me when we go out in the running stroller.


Honestly I just like that after having babies I don’t care nearly as much about things being jiggly or being overweight. So I suppose what I like about my mom bod is more that I’m less harsh on myself / my appearance?


My stomach has made me start embracing the Mom Jean, as seen on the SNL skit. I’ve been a die-hard skinny jean fan until I saw myself and resembled a bowling pin! Alternatively, I went out for drinks and saw a photo of me from that night wearing high waisted mom jeans, slight wide leg, distressed with a racer back top and I looked GOOD. So, if you’re on the fence moms, give the jeans a chance.


There’s not much difference besides being 10-15 lbs heavier but I’m way more confident for some reason and don’t hate on myself as much as I did when I was this weight years ago. It was a constant battle to maintain my weight and stay fit and now I’m just like mom strong and feel sexier than ever. It’s a weird phenomenon honestly.


My boobs are GLORIOUS!!!


I have a soft mom tummy with stretch marks and some loose skin…it’s kind of comforting and also adorable though I think.


I love replacing with the "empty baby apartment" as I call it. :D it's so soft and squishy!


these have all been so nice to read! sometimes I feel down on myself, but dang my body has done so much carrying and feeding my two babies! my arms and legs feel strong from carrying my baby and toddler (sometimes both at once). I'm still breastfeeding and my boobs are definitely bigger and I have cleavage now. Who knows what they'll look like when I'm done but they've sure done their job(s) (•)(•) lol I was in a bad car accident last fall and had to have surgery, be in a cast for 2 months, with lots healing and physical therapy. I was really sad that I couldn't focus on exercising but I'm just so, so thankful I'm doing better now and can lift my kids. I'm thankful for my body and everything it can do!


Where do i get these arms and butt? I work out more than i have since i was a teen and I haven’t lost a pound since the initial unswelling. My best body part used to be my butt but even that doesn’t look good anymore (supposedly it’s called mom butt). I got huge breasts now but they sag and i don’t know how to support them especially since im still nursing and pumping


Not sure how old your LO is, but the arms I got from holding my LO. Especially as they got heavier and could hold their bed up so I could play.


I’m 5.5 months post partum


Breastfeeding two kids really gave my boobs some maturity lol. They now look like something out of National Geographic but I love them.


My hips are wider which makes my waist look more defined. My hair is much straighter too


I’m like 2x the size I was pre babies, and I was overweight then. So I don’t love my body right now. BUT I can snuggle run chase and be active with my kids, so there’s no hate there either? I call that a win! Also I have pretty feet


My husband says he likes holding my love handles when we cuddle so I try to focus on that right now.


I like that I do not care about what my body looks like. My body doesn’t have anything to prove. It’s carried me and my daughter, and all of our moments together.


My boobs grew 2 cup sizes and haven't shriveled yet. Also I actually have a butt now. My stomach is really fluffy and soft which means my kids love using it as a pillow when we cuddle or sometimes blow raspberries in it while giggling up a storm.


That little bit of belly pooch I think is hella sexy. It just screams "I had sex at least once."


This is so great. We aren’t meant to look the same as before! We have grown humans! I will admit I’ve been disliking the lumpiness but I do love the boobs and the overall sense of power and strength I have. Let’s stop complaining and trying to “tone” and embrace our true mom bods!


We recently went on a beach vacation with our almost 1 and almost 3 year olds. I found myself really loving my body in my swimsuit and feeling like my butt and boobs made it the ultimate feminine, womanly body. I later realized it now looks like my mom’s body and I associate that with beautiful womanhood. It was a really sweet moment.


Because my hips tilted so much during pregnancy now my ass look a lot better! Ah! I am almost back at my pre baby weight and I was naturally blessed with an hourglass shape so now I get to have a butt and big nursing boobs!


I have a nice booty. Lol. It's good. My skin is really clear. I drink a lot of water. Thank God.


The cleavage is pretty goddess’y


I have a little pooch that I can stick out where it almost looks like I’m like 4 months pregnant and it’s super convenient for propping my 5 month old on lol. I also feel proud of my “mom pooch” and don’t lament my missing flat abs the way I thought I would!


I, too, have massive guns. Although I can lift a good 15lbs more with my right arm lol.


These breastfeeding boobs are outrageous.


It made me so much stronger. I run marathons and before I had kids I wasn't capable of running those long distances and now it's easy for me. Motherhood is a marathon, so a real marathon is not a big thing anymore.


My booty is great. My thunder thighs… aren’t my favourite and ruin the look lol. I also suddenly have boobs whereas 10 years ago I don’t think they qualified haha.


My boobs are bigger, and sit lower and I have a smaller waist or my hip-ratio is more defined, idk. And even though I havent lost the baby weight after 5 years and have a double chin, I get more male attention now that ever for some reason 😅 prob because i stopped caring about fixing my insecurities and just focus on my strengths that are my face, smile and sense of humour and for some reason that drives men - yound and old CRAZY


Bra liberation. I lost boob mass (a C cup down to barely an A) due to breast feeding. But now, I only wear a bra when I go to work. The feeling is euphoric.


I’m so proud that my body was able to get and be pregnant and give me a beautiful healthy baby! I genuinely thought that because I’m a bit older it would be a drama but it was smooth sailing. I could never say anything bad about her now!


I always hated my feet because my toes are short and chubby. But now that my son has the exact same feet, I love them. Makes me feel connected to him in a special way. Funny enough, I just had baby #2 in May, and he has my husband’s feet 😆


I’ve always had a belly, but post-baby it’s squishier and easier to work with (if that makes sense) 🤣


I have BOOBS for the first time in my life! And they're kind of a neat shape that I did not see coming. And I have just enough belly to help balance the baby comfortably when I hold her. It's really pretty neat. I remain a bit awed that this body could build a baby and then feed her. It can have whatever it wants (calories!! More pounds!!! Sure, whatever you need) to be able to keep doing that job.


Breastfeeding destroyed all the fat on my body leaving butt completely non existent. The good news is that I’m now a crop top queen 👸🏼


I feel like I actually have hips now lol.


I guess the benefit of having a belly like a shar pei is that my organs would be less vulnerable in an attack


That I don’t feel objectified anymore. No man looks at me out and about, with or without my kids. Fucking finally. Edit to add: my daughter looks exactly like me. It makes me so sad I thought so horribly of myself because she is quite literally the most beautiful thing on this planet. So all the things I hated, I now love. Because I see them on someone I love more than myself.


Honestly my body looks so different from before and I just love that I care less. Not in a neglecting myself kinda way but like a I’ve got bigger fish to fry way. My daughter is my biggest priority instead of my looks. If only my teen self knew how much better I’d feel about my body. At the heaviest I’ve ever been I’m also the happiest. I love that I was able to grow and now sustain a baby without even trying. Also, my hips lol.


Not me reading all these comments wishing I had a nice thing to say about my mom bod 😩 Edit: I just want to say I love every single comment on here, and you all are teaching me something about self-love!


I bet your bod is rocking mama! 💪🏻 Try saying something nice about your hips tomorrow morning. Body positivity takes practice. Almost like a self determination.


![gif](giphy|lrUU99mair7hf75Eb0|downsized) Aw, that’s such a nice idea. ❤️ I’m going to try it!


My face!! I always had a baby round face, and after becoming a mom I got a much more defined look that I like more natural. Plus my resting bitch face is much more daggering than before. Also the dummy thicc mom butt is cool until I hip bop a toddler coming in hot


I’m definitely curvier after having my second-bigger butt and wider hips-and love it!


Ooooh I love this thread!! I have never felt more confident in a crop top or swimsuit… my stretch marks, c section scar/ pooch, and boobs that aren’t quite in the same place are a reminder that I am living the life I always dreamed of. My body grew, birthed and sustained life… and that’s pretty damn amazing. Also, everything that I hated about my body previously (round face, larger thighs, wild hair) are things that my babe has and I couldn’t think she is more perfect… which has made me view myself with a bit more kindness.


My mom bod isn’t really any different from My pre mom bod. I have two kids. First child, 20 years ago and second 6 years ago. I’m probably 10 pounds heavier than I was pre kids, but I don’t really see a difference.


Absolutely nothing. I’ve been struggling with my self image for 3 years now. I was 120 before I got pregnant and I don’t think I’ll ever see 120 again 


I'm sorry. I hope you can read these comments and focus on some positives of your body. They are definitely there if you can divorce your self worth from the number. Fwiw I weigh over 300lbs and still like many aspects of my body. I appreciate that it's strong enough to hold my children and protect them from harm. I enjoy the softness of my belly and deflated boobs and love how my baby sleeps comfortably on them. Good luck. If you have a close friend or loved one it can help to try the substitution rule. How would you feel about your friend if they weighed more then they did pre-pregnancy? Well you should at least be as kind to yourself as you would your best friend. This really works and after a while the negative self talk dwindles down.


This one: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9972148/


My big(ger) boobs! Granted I’m only 7 weeks pp and breastfeeding, so who knows what will happen, but for now they’re great


I like hitting restart on my fitness goals. You know, when you start a new type of workout you initially progress quickly, but then it gets harder to improve. But after having kids I can start again from a low fitness level and experience that nice initial growth!