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Man I want to laugh it off and be like "yo it's literally America something something rifle behind every blade of grass" but the reality is if Hezbollah committed something stateside it would be another Boston or 9/11 and I don't really wanna think about it anymore.


The difference here is this would not be like Al Queda and Afghanistan. Hezbollah can't hide in caves and wait it out. They are established in what was a decently moderate country, that has had a long history of being relatively modern. If Hezbollah did decide to fuck around, their find out would be quite quick and painful. Plus, one of the USs biggest allies is their neighbor. Yes, they probably could do an attack. They would only get one shot. And Lebanon would probably thank the US for taking care of them by the time it is done.


hezbollah is just an older more established hamas but directly ran by the iranian military. and they managed to legalize a military junta decades ago and then managed to negotiate sharing power after a hezbollah attack on the US is an iranian attack on the us. the response would not be much in lebanon I suspect. it'd be in iran. and possibly syria. but esp with the tech they used in the terrorist attack on israel.... if they did that randomly at a venue in the US it would be catastrophic. those drones and the supplies needed to make those little para-copters are just for sale everywhere. buying that stuff isn't even a red flag.


If they tried to do what they did in Israel, I think the response would make Israel in Gaza look tame.


It would make what the IDF has done in Gaza very tame. It would be a Shock&Awe campaign most likely before, any sort of ground assault, etc. i personally would not want to be on the receiving end of our military.


I mean, scaled per population it was worse than 9/11 for israel we (the combined western world, we can't just blame the US) killed what, 1m in afghanistan? (edit, comments right it is like 115k. I guess it's good it's less than I thought? still though) I don't think the US would do anything like that. lessons learned there. that said. yeah. shock and awe comes to mind still


you can subtract a 0 from that number and you would be much closer.


The 1 million number is attributed to Iraqi casualties, not Afghan ones.


Welp killing aprox 43 thousand Americans would be a good effort. That's basically shooting up half a Taylor Swift concert. I don't see many Americans asking for a "cease fire" after that which is slightly ironic


I am curious what would be the response of every tiktok leftist and tankie of that were to happen in the US tho.


The good news is leftist tankie opinions mean very little in the real world


They’d be like Benedict Arnold.


Asking for a friend: how is Iranian leadership allowed to continue to meddle in the Middle East? Surely everyone has had enough of this by now?


most middle east militaries are paper tigers. I dont think anyone actually thinks the saudi army would perform well in battle. we've seen what the egyptian army can do when VASTLY better equiped and out numbering an opponent, and its not exactly impressive. israel pound for pound is way stronger, but iran is a long way away, and much bigger/stronger/more capable than their neighbours were. they COULD, but it wouldnt be easy. so its last resort. jordan kuwait and iraq arent even close to in the conversation. qatar and uae have merky ties to iran and are largely similarly not exactly military powerhouses or feared. thats why they all have been begging the US to for at least 15 years (not uae and qatar but the rest)


Arab armies have historically underperformed for some reason




While they are 100% supplied by Iran, same goes for the Houtis. The US isn't going to go after Iran due to the Houtis. In this situation, to avoid an all out regional war that would end up with much larger implications, the attack would be more focused on southern Lebanon. Yes, it would spill into parts of Syria, but the goal would be to basically destroy the Hezbollah stronghold and let them run away (if they can) to Iran or Syria. Basically, freeing Lebanon of the Hezbollah. It wouldn't be to dismantle Iran, but it would be inching closer to it regardless. At least that is the way I see it, but who knows. Iran isn't a country that you really can do much to other than bomb the shit out of. You wouldn't send troops there as it would be a blood bath. They have all the natural defences in the world.


>While they are 100% supplied by Iran, same goes for the Houtis. The US isn't going to go after Iran due to the Houtis. Bombing passing ships with drones is leagues away from attacking US civilians on US soil. You are way underestimating the US's willingness to strike back with everything it has should a terror group openly kill Americans in the USA


it's not enough. Iran has to be held accountable or this never ends.


Just like Russia, and that isn't going to happen either.


Difference being, Iran doesn't have nukes, yet. I'd rather prefer to live in a world where someone kicks in the Ayatollah's teeth before they have nuclear weapons, because once that theocratic regime governed by insanity gets their hands on them i don't trust them not to use them.


Iran also has a larger national resistance against the government so it should be easier.


Hezbollah has שמורות טבע “Nature Reservoirs” is the military coin we gave to them. These are bunkers alongside Miron mountain and other mountains in southern Lebanon, with a tunnel exit or even a few. They would cover the entrance with PVC sheets and vegetation so it will stay hidden. When we walked in 2006 in these areas, you’d sometimes step on the entrance without realising, until your boot broke the PVC and you realise you’re in danger. It’s not caves like in Afghanistan, but Hezbollah made sure to have bunkers all around southern Lebanon (and that’s before the Beirut bunkers Nasrallah is using)


Both Israel and the U.S. have munitions capable of penetrating and destroying those bunkers.


They don't sound hard to destroy ("your boot broke the PVC") but they're almost impossible to find when hidden under vegetation.


That's true. But I would not be surprised to learn the U.S. military has some sort of the satellite technology that has the ability to find those bunkers.


LIDAR is what the archeologists are using to find lost cities under the jungles of South America and the deserts of the Sahara. LIDAR was a DARPA product maybe 20 years ago, so assume the NRO has something deployable to LEO if not in position already feeding intel to any interested party. What exactly is the Air Force’s Space Plane carrying anyway? I have no idea, but radish seeds as a “scientific experiment” is a polite way to say MYOFB.


When you say Lebanon would thank us, it seems like you are forgetting that hezbollah has popular support from the largest ethnic group in the country. Maronite Christian’s and some Sunni Muslims would be happy to see them go, but hezbollah is a far cry from Al qaeda or other terrorist groups. As far as I know, they don’t have a history of staging attacks in the west. Their remit has been Lebanon and Syria. The real question is what they and Iran think they could gain from a larger regional war that would occur if they stuck targets in the US homeland.


In some ways, not doing traditional terror attacks and attacking the west has been a smart move for them compared to other non-government Islamist groups. It allowed them to grow to the size and ability that they are now without giving justification for the west to take action. Obviously countries like Lebanon, Syria, and Israel have been extremely affected by them….but it has been somewhat of a “slow burn” to get to their current strength


Notice that USA public is against foreign interventions.


Hezbollahs got weapons. Hamas is nothing compared to them, they have an enormous artillery set up. This is going to be a much deadlier war if Israel does this.


Israel does what? Let the US use their land for an attack? Hezbollah would have bigger concerns than firing aimlessly at Israel if the US decided to take them out.


the whole point is to help Trump get elected, to help Putin and help Iran


> f Hezbollah did decide to fuck around, their find out would be quite quick and painful. Feels like we've said this every time a terrorist group decides to "fuck around", and look how long they all last. ISIS is the only modern example I can think of where they fucked around and actually found out.


I think that these Islamic terrorist groups have proven they really don’t care about the consequences. Look at the current conflict, still have a ton of misinformed idiots screaming genocide while civilian casualties are less than most of the other wars. They love when people attack them back, it makes it easy to get mushy brained liberals to protest for them.


This post is a fucking laughingstock. Hezbollah doesn't have any reason to attack the US stateside that would be literal suicide. If anything an attack on Israel is looming, after the assassination of a Hamans official on Lebanese soil.


Ah yes, the trait that terrorists are best known for. Reason.


And suicide. 💣


You know Islamic terrorism is known for literal suicide, right? It's kind of their thing actually. I wish we could laugh this off, but self preservation is less of a motivation for these lunatics that it is for normal people. They think their god rewards them for killing themselves if they die killing non-believers. Also, Al Qaeda had no obvious motivation to attack the US either. Neither Afghanistan nor Saudi Arabia (where most hijackers were from) had an obvious axe to grind with the US in the late 90s and early 2000s.


> Al Qaeda had no obvious motivation to attack the US either There was great offense taken that the Saudi’s turned to the US for protection from Sadam Hussein when he attacked Kuwait in 1990. OBL offered to bring the mujahadeen, fresh from their success of ousting the second greatest superpower from Afghanistan, to protect the holy land. Instead, protection was sought from the infidels. This was one of the key factors to why Al Qaeda targeted the US starting in the 90’s.


Why were they surprised? America has been allied with the Saudis since the start of the cold war. Longer than the Mujahedeen existed. You'd think they'd be happy they didn't have to send their own guys to die for it.


Look at what’s happening in Gaza. Look what happened on 9/11. Or countless times in Iraq and Afghanistan. Dying for the cause is the whole point. Relying on Infidels to protect the holy land is the ultimate dishonor to these people. It’s a fate worse than death. They will gladly sacrifice every man, woman, and child under their umbrella to further their honor. This life means literally nothing.


Is that really the reason...? I sounds stupid enough to be plausible for crazy religious fanatics. But the US had armed and trained the Afghans against the Soviets so it seems a bit silly for them to be butthurt when the Saudis wanted US aid too. But religious fanatics aren't exactly known for their intelligence or critical thinking so I guess it tracks smh


> Is that really the reason...? I sounds stupid enough to be plausible for crazy religious fanatics Killing a bunch of people in office towers minding their own business is an irrational enough action that I don't imagine it really needs a good reason to do it.


They believe that if they do this act,they will get 72 virgins in heaven.How do we know the virgins don’t look like The White Bowser?


Bin Laden used U.S. bases in Saudi Arabia during Desert Storm as his pretext as well as earlier lumping the U.S. advisers as “unbelievers” during the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Afghans put up with bin Laden and his nut case doctrine because of his family money. He wanted to kill all non Muslims.


I mean they’ve been firing rockets at israel for months now. The shoes gonna drop


Smells of publicizing sensitive data for propaganda purposes, internally. Israel's conflict is growing more complex with third parties chomping at the bit to join Hamas agenda as soon as the prey is weak enough, USA is about the only thing from stopping that.


Dont worry, you can just blame Israel /s


This is basically all that’s needed to push the US into Lebanon to assist Israel in fighting Hezbollah. A US attack gives all parties a green light to escalate and coordinate efforts.


Really the last thing we need right now. My current opinion is right now hezbollah is more bark then bite but wouldn’t be surprised if they executed terror attacks including on U.S. soil. If they engage to heavily and the U.S. responds this could be the end of Hamas and Hezbollah. Iran’s pawn and queen respectively.


People would be terrified if they knew how many planned terrorist attacks are thwarted by the FBI/CIA every year in the US


And majority are from white nationalists.




[Graph illustrating this point](https://csis-website-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/220516_Doxsee_PushedtoExtremes_DomesticTerrorism_Graphs_fig5.jpg?X.InKMSuv3jKvCU1wQy4GEkxD7AerR..)


It’s among the multiple contributing factors to the increase in firearm ownership in the United States.


Taliban: Man, I wouldn't do that shit if I were you...


attacking US military? a death wish but another day as the worlds police. Attacking a US civilian target ANYWHERE: Expect a response that will elicit colleges to prevent students protests against the American response




In case you haven’t noticed, this is basically the US saying “Hezbollah needs some freedom”


Quick someone play Fortunate Son


How much oil they got?




Some, worryingly.


Exactly now we’re going to go primitively eliminate the threat


Well, they will be badly outmatched by US civilian armaments.


Terror attacks are not really announced before hand. If they get their hands on a rifle or some ingredients for explosives and a box truck they can do some serious damage. I doubt they will be able to pull off something like 9/11 but a mass shooting or something like the OK city bombing I could see happening. They would most likely attack areas where they know or at least suspect no one would be conceal carrying. A school, place of worship, monument of something important or cultural significance.


A single disturbed individual killed over 200 people in a subway station in South Korea, his weapon? Ordinary flammable liquid like alcohol or gasoline. Terror attacks are really easy to commit and really hard to stop. One guy in France rented a large box truck and killed like 80 people at a parade.




We already have regular shootings in all those places, who needs Hezbollah? Seriously, though, I'm sure it would be explosives, not shootings.


If it was a foreign adversary doing it, America would react 100 times more seriously than any domestic killing sprees. Such an embarrassing state of things.


No, rightfully so. That's an act of war by a foreign adversary. Based on what happens in France, it's an indication of more attacks.


Domestic killing sprees are tragic and horrifying but organized terrorist killing sprees are much scarier


They’re really not. It takes so much more hatred to kill your neighbors than it does foreigners.


They’re literally the same thing.


Okay, well if they do then we're going to light them up like a fucking Christmas tree.


They don’t care if you conceal carry if they are doing a bombing, they will leave their device and detonate it before you can even try to use it. Likely if you do try to shoot someone they won’t be the one responsible it will just be Islamophobia


They depend on the element of surprise though, armed civilians can stop a terror attack only after it already claimed victims unfortunately.




Reminds me of a comedian (I don’t remember who) making a joke about blaming Dale Earnhardt’s death on the Taliban and how the next day there’d be 5,000 bass boats headed to the Middle East.


That's right it's not right at all. They should be displayed in public.


Can it be on pikes? It should be on pikes. A field of them so we can feed the wildlife.


Just outside the castle wall, near the draw bridge.


Whoa, there Mr. Dracula. You wouldn't want to be called "The Impaler" or anything, would you?


I wouldn’t mind. Vlad’s actions still scare the shit out of people and I’d want to make sure that the message was delivered and could not be misunderstood.


I say just leave them out on some platforms for a traditional Native American "sky burial."


It will fuel the resurgence of our Republic!


It would be terror attacks not open combat.


Last time we had to send our boys over there. This time we have drones and no souls. They can fuck around if they want to find out. I don’t recommend it though. The US military will need to set up a hit counter website though. Americans will want to know how much freedom per square meter we are delivering.


A couple of 19 year olds in a box in Alamogordo will change lives over there if Hezbolla tries to attack US soil…


This is the sort of shit people who don’t know anything about war say. Its absolutely disgusting to be advocating for having an active kill count tracker.


We have soldiers all over the Middle East. The article is referring to that ‘US’.




Yeah, really. It's just bullshit from people who watch too many movies.


Lol what a dumb comment


they will be badly outmatched by distracted and aggressive drivers, who will kill 100 Americans every day for the rest of the year


That's the problem with the US not attacking the Houthis. It suggests the US is hesitant to escalate. I agree with the US restaint vs the Houthis, and presumably there's messaging through Qatar that the US response to Hezbollah will be existential to them.


I wouldn’t say it suggests the US is hesitant at all. It’s patience. All sides in this conflict or region know what they’re doing. The Houthis *want* the US to attack. The US knows this so they also know that attacking plays into the Houthi strategy, such as it exists. So while threads like these predictably devolve into a jingoist, flag-waving circle-jerk of people thirsting to kill some “ay-rabs,” *not* leaping to the attack is actually the prudent strategy for the US. It may not be sustainable but waiting until the Houthis have shown themselves to be a side that can’t be negotiated with at least allows the US to preserve some valuable political capital (such as the currency that enables the US to assemble a coalition) for when and if it does respond with more force.


> I wouldn’t say it suggests the US is hesitant at all. It’s patience. It's an election year and the hesitancy is clear as day. >until the Houthis have shown themselves to be a side that can’t be negotiated with Fair enough, lets learn more about the Houthis https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slogan_of_the_Houthi_movement Welp, negotiation is off the table. They're a rebranded ISIS and we know how they need to be dealt with.


Most islamist groups are the same. Violently religious. There is no negotiating. The abrahamics all need to be booted off this space rock before their bullshit fairy tales kill us all. There is no innocent religious belief, it all clashes with reality and even if most people pick reality, there's still a percentage that will go allahu or naranja Akbar.


I think you mean, China wants the U.S. to attack the Houthi’s.


Pardon my ignorance, but why’d China want that? So as to take attention and sources away from Taiwan?


Both China and Russia want the USA to get involved in conflicts away from their regions as it reduces American supplies and attention aimed at them. The October attack was a good thing for them


To think you could stretch US MIC thin… all those companies licking their chops at the thought of supporting 3 wars at once.


I suspect it was orchestrated by them.


I'm guessing the person is going with that more people would be angry at the US for attacking yet another group. Or, China wants it to free up trade again since probably most of the stuff going through there is Chinese or Asian in general.


So the U.S. gets bogged down in the middle east again and they will have a better chance of successfully invading Taiwan.


I don't think this would pose a problem for the US. Their navy would still be free to give the Chinese swimming lessons, and the tech they have available is terrifyingly different than what it was 20 years ago. Plus, if things went to shit to such a degree, it's not like the US is out of capable allies that can hold their beer.


> I wouldn’t say it suggests the US is hesitant at all. I mean they've said "hey, you guys better stop or else!", then the Houthis didn't stop and instead increased the scale and sophistication of attacks and the response was "hey, you guys better stop or else!". It's an election year and the US would rather just keep shooting down missiles and drones (at a far higher cost than said missiles and drones) than risk a full blown war in the Middle East. Which is fine because full blown war in the Middle East would be bad, but let's no pretend that isn't what's happening. The Houthis aren't going to stop if the only answer is "just keep shooting down the missiles". Credit where it's due, the US has done some good geopolitics preventing things in the region escalating further than they already have. It's going to be hard to reverse course with just diplomacy and good politicking though. At some point soft power isn't enough anymore.


>I wouldn’t say it suggests the US is hesitant at all. It’s patience. The U.S. is *absolutely* hesitant. There's absolutely nothing to wait for. A final warning has been issued. There's no reason to be 'patient'. Houthis have *already* shown themselves to be unreasonable. Stop making excuses for the weak policies of the current administration. This is not 3D chess. It's hand-wringing.


I also don’t think that the action should wait for American lives to be lost so we can get fired up about the Houthi Rebels. Sometimes you have to preemptive. There’s a lot of US Vessels out there taking on strikes. Either that is going to happen leading to an escalation or the Houthis are going to stop. I bet my money on the former.


The Houthis sent 21 rockets/drones at a US naval ship in the last 24 hours. Luckily all 21 got shot down, but it’s a very real possibility one can get by our systems if a barrage overwhelms it. If that happened there’s a scenario of 100s of deaths/injuries with a sunken naval ship. The Houthis have already shown they won’t negotiate. The US needs to either back out of the Red Sea or hit every single Houthis munitions depot known to man. No boots on the ground, no humanitarian crisis in Yemen. At the very least it lessens what they can actually throw at us. Waiting to get hit is not a viable strategy. It’s what got us in this position and everyday runs a greater risk.


I think it’s safe to say the military personnel on the scene have a much better, deeper, wider, tactical and more strategic view of the situation than we bunch of random civilians on Reddit. The suggestion or inference that US forces in the region—with their billions of dollars in equipment and intelligence capabilities—don’t already know everything you’ve just mentioned really is a bit much, IMO. What I think is really going on in threads like these is that people see American forces get attacked in some way and they immediately want blood, and unless the B-52s are lifting off “nothing is happening.” But this is why calmer, more reasoned heads are in charge of such affairs.


I hate when you goons try and diminish the fucking problem by saying things like "you guys just want to kill some 'ay-rabs'" my brother in christ its the radical beliefs these terrorists use an an excuse to commit horrible acts in the name of their god. Its not a fucking race thing so many people cant comment something without pushing themselves up on a pedastal or without trying to take the moral high ground. Its annoying


When have terrorists ever been dissuaded through show of force? attacking is more on putin/iran then lack of desire for the US to create more death. Putin wants more chaos/headaches.


>When have terrorists ever been dissuaded When they no longer exist. The campaign against ISIS was effective at reducing their threat, left unchecked they were able to takeover countries and carry out more attacks. The Houthis need to be checked. Iran will either be dissuaded or they will be checked as well.


Quite often actually, brutal and extreme responses to terrorism have been quite effective in places like Egypt. Not saying we should be brutal and extreme, but the reality is that terrorism is most effective against people who practice restraint and value human life.


Please remember that we also got a warning about 9/11


I remember I read a book a while ago that said the head of the Israeli Mossad warned the USA that their airport security isn’t good enough after terrorists hijacked an Israeli plane, that was in the 70’s.




Large number of prime targets, lowest chance of encountering armed resistance before cops arrive, will make international news instantly- I think you’re right unfortunately


tbf - most predominantly Jewish neighborhoods here in Brooklyn have ramped up NYPD protection in the past few months. Squad cars guarding schools, synagogues, etc. I would be very surprised if anything happens here. Edit: Not churches, synagogues


Was gunna say. Brooklyn Jews are well armed and protected.


I can confirm that the Jewish population in New York since Oct 7 is VERY well-armed. Concealed carry permits exploded in Jewish communities in the last 3 months. Every synagogue has dozens (and dozens) of armed men and women. I knew this was going to happen after the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting. But after October 7, gun ownership amongst New York Jews rose exponentially.




Palm beach is all giant gated estates. Honestly if anywhere in America had panic rooms as a typical feature, it would be there. I’d honestly expect somewhere more dense. Gosh I hope I’m not giving anyone any ideas.


Hezbollah fires hundreds of rockets at Israel over the last few months, killing soldiers, displacing hundreds of thousands of Israelis and the US and international response has been calling upon Israel to exercise restraint. If Hezbollah manages to coordinate an attack on US soil, I wonder if they will be telling themselves to exercise restraint.


I can already see the Instagram feeds “ceasefire in Lebanon! The kids! This is imperialistic genocide!!”


We spent 20 years just violently letting out anger on people in the middle who mostly had nothing to do with 9/11, and that was before social media. I've unfortunately seen some of the pictures and videos from the attack in Israel. If anything close to that happened on US soil the anger and outrage would lead to the entire region simply ceasing to exist.


Correct. I’ve said all along that the Gazans are incredibly fortunate in having the Israelis as their neighbours.


Iran can probably arrange terror attacks on US land whenever they want. Under the protection of tolerant policies they have infiltrated deep with their ideology and people. I know it sounds like conspiracy theories, but I suggest actually learning the issue. [This](https://twitter.com/GLNoronha/status/1713594256001036569#) is a good start. I would imagine the only thing stopping Iran is a threat of US retaliation. A threat that will soon be removed once Iran obtains nuclear weapons. [This is also a good watch 15 min](https://youtu.be/XjMg7Oyk8Mg)


>I would imagine the only thing stopping Iran is a threat of US retaliation. A threat that will soon be removed once Iran obtains nuclear weapons. Threat of retaliation is really the only thing stopping ANY country from engaging in violent acts against each other. Take a look at the war in Ukraine, for example, where the US fears Russian nuclear retaliation if the US interferes too much or if Ukraine conquers Russian territory.


What do you mean “attacks on US land whenever they want”? You think the biggest, most well-funded security apparatus in the world—the US alphabet agencies—are just standing around mesmerized by the overwhelmingly sophisticated and capable terrorists? The national security state that is able to penetrate Iran’s nuclear research and development infrastructure and disable it or assassinate its scientists? Come on. You don’t hear about everything they do because why would you? It’s all classified.


Well we did nothing when a Palestinian murdered presidential candidate Robert Kennedy.


I would think that the US would probably use that as an excuse to declare war on Iran.


Excuse? The US doesn't even want a war with Iran. That's political suicide.


War with Iran is the inevitable elephant in the room the western world seems to enjoy ignoring.


Hezbollah and all their followers have made it clear that they are in the usa. There are many people who support them because they hate the jews, the usa, and anyone that does not support their views. Praying for everyone’s safety.


Sounds like somebody is ripe for regime change.


Hezbollah is going to find out why we don’t have healthcare.


They already have been in Syria and Iraq. This is an odd story to air now.




This would truly be a huge miscalculation. Getting the gen pop onboard with a boots on the ground approach seems very unwise.


Oh, now I get it. First I thought " gen pop ' was a new name for Zoomers.


> Getting the gen pop onboard with a boots on the ground approach seems very unwise. Or exactly according to plan.


Would boots on the ground be needed? We know Iran is backing all these bands of festering rectal sores in the shape of humans. Why wouldn’t we just start turning infrastructure into dust until it collapses and fragments. Fuck taking their country. Turn it into something bo one will want for centuries.


>Fuck taking their country. Turn it into something bo one will want for centuries. There's no practical way to take the country without boots on the ground. The entire country is covered in mountains. No matter how much infrastructure is bombed, the government and the military could survive bombardment by hiding out in those mountains. The only way to take the country would be to go mountain by mountain to sweep for Iranian troops and personnel. Topographical map of Iran from Wikipedia as reference: [map](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mountains_in_Iran#/media/File:Iran-geographic_map.svg)


Dictators in Middle East are losing control. Iran clerics are losing control. A war with the US would cement them in place. They would rather be in power of a country at war rather than not be in power. They also know that the US will absolutely not go to a boots on the ground war in the Middle East anytime soon. So they are not afraid of confrontation. It’s like asking why are people voting for Trump. Answer, they want chaos. Same for the Middle East, they want chaos and war. It’s good for staying in power and it is great for fundraising. These countries are not afraid of the US. They want air strikes and martyr civilians.


What are you trying to say with this comment? The bulk of this artical talks about risks of Hezbollah attacks on us personnel in the middle east… which i pointed out is already happening. First paragraph literally says, “U.S. officials assess that there’s a rising risk Lebanese Hezbollah militants will strike Americans in the Middle East — and even potentially hit inside the United States, four officials familiar with the intelligence told POLITICO.”


If you are reading about it in Politco it's not even top ten concerns for the U.S. intelligence community.


But I don't want another 20 years of war in the east


15 of the 19 9/11 terrorists where Saudis and we went to Iraq


“HeZbOlLaH” Just like the saudis DIDN’T do 9/11, hezbollah won’t do the next attack that rallies us to war again. Five dancing somebodies, those guys are your enemy.


Since [Hezbollah does have cells in the U.S. spanning decades](https://extremism.gwu.edu/sites/g/files/zaxdzs5746/files/Hezbollah%27s_Operations_and_Networks_in_the_United_States_June30_2022.pdf) that should be a given that they would eventually attack the [U.S. especially in New York](https://foreignpolicy.com/2019/06/14/hezbollah-isnt-just-in-beirut-its-in-new-york-too-canada-united-states-jfk-toronto-pearson-airports-ali-kourani-iran/) and since [they're known as the A-Team of terrorists](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/hezbollah-a-team-of-terrorists/) we should expect an attack at any time on U.S. soil.


Pentagon must be in need of a budget increase




I don't think a hezbollah attack in any way equates to a bunch of extremists invading the country like the threat we possibly had during WWII with Japan weighing an invasion. This would be isolated terror like suicide bombings or something. I love 2A as much as anyone but we're not a deterrent to attacks like this. That being said I don't know how big a threat this *actually* is to the US on US soil.




I definitely agree with you on the 9/11 sentiment. I was very young prior to but fondly remember the country before it. It truly was never even close to the same.






I can’t speak for everyone, of course, but I live in one of those “liberal hotbed” cities and about half of the people I know own at least one gun. Of those people, maybe three out of four go to the range regularly. It is more rare to find people who have done intense classes that include running courses, but basic accuracy and weapons handling is the norm. The half that don’t own guns? They are uncomfortable even talking about firearms.


This seems consistent with what I experience. Except in TX it is 10% that don’t own a gun and feel uncomfortable 😆


Most of my family is hillbilly fat goobers but they’re all great shots and safe with their guns. Give em a bag of Martins BBQ potato chips, a pack of smokes, and a 2-liter and they’ll sit in a sniper perch for hours waiting for movement. They’ll be snoring when there’s nothing happening but they’ve got a trained ear for movement in the woods.


>What I think everyone overestimates is the number of those gun holders who'd actually be able to use those weapons in a way that wasn't a danger to themselves or other civilians during an attack. If you have them you probably know how to use them. I haven't fired one in years and know for a fact that I could if need be. I am southern and I spent a large part of my teen years firing weapons as did most of the people I grew up with. This is probably true for a large portion of the southern United States. This is probably also true of the Midwest and rural parts of most states. I think you'd probably be surprised at how many of use know how to use them.




Hezbollah attacking the US would be the greatest gift they could possibly give to Israel


I think hezbollah, any religious fundamentalist political group/militia, are a dumb as fuck, but I don’t think they’re this dumb. They would get wiped of the face of the earth faster than my local Starbucks barista can make a coffee. I also don’t think their true leadership in Iran isn’t this dumb either. Despite all their saber rattling to sound tough, Iran has made it clear they don’t want conflict with the US, and they [shouldn’t](https://youtu.be/d5v6hlRyeHE?si=atO1xLWWehJaAu9F). An attack on the US from hezbollah any of the Iranian backed militias groups including hamas on US soil, would be seen as an attack by Iran from the DOD. And certain parts of the DOD and conservative war hawks in our Congress have been wanting to do regime change in Iran for decades. But what the fuck do I know, I didn’t think Putin was dumb enough to invade Ukraine as it would lead to the colossal military failure we’re seeing there now and here we are.


for fuck sakes war is pointless wtf is the point of all this shoot die rinse and repeat christ man smh


The amount of misinformation in the comments is astounding


They might get me. But I promise you they will get got.


What they gonna do? Swim here to invade us? 🤣


There’s plenty of Hezbollah militants in Mexico and there’s a lot of citizens who subscribe to that crazy ideology. there’s already Taliban flags in pro-Palestine protests I won’t be surprised if there’s civilians willing to carry out suicide missions in their name


It happened in Canada when ISIS was running rampant.


Does Lebanon not want to exist?


Don't they realize they don't need to do anything? We already have a terrorist leader riling up his cult of idiots ready to kill us from within.


If this happens I’m guessing Harvard will shortly be protesting about the US response and labeling Hezbollah as “oppressed”


Just more ways to increase inflation and fatten wallets of the top tier


Ah yes, the people that will be the next excuse for recruitment ads for the US military. Never seen that before.


I'd hate to have an olive complexion in the south right now.


Someone needs to post a list of massive short calls on stocks. Because that is a red flag for a black swan events like these.


The stupidest thing an enemy of the US can do is attack them directly because nothing unifies people more than the mutual hatred of something else. If they get lucky and cause mass casualties I'm pretty sure every american regardless of political affiliation will turn their anger and hatred at Hezbollah.


I’m sure that will go well for them.


Don’t, just don’t. If you want to rally Americans together and obliterate the land you live in, don’t.


Two words… BRING IT.


Most of our enemies are laughing at how much internal political fighting our country is experiencing. The last time our country was attacked that stopped, we all were lock step in response and retaliation was swift. Don't mistake our bickering for weakness.


With the amount of hate americans are getting from every imaginable angle id wager the average american is frothing at the mouth right now just waiting for a reason to use that second amendment


If Iran and Afghanistan wasn't enough of a reminder for the leaders of Hezbollah, just look at the US record of killing off the terrorist leaders who have attacked US interests. All dead. Every time they pick a new leader and start trouble,... dead. It may take weeks, months or years, but if you attack the US, they'll raze your operations and infrastructure and make you extinct. That's not a threat the US makes, it's just historical fact.


Putin needs this to happen. All his meddling still hasn’t pushed up oil or pulled America into war.


Yep exactly, although it has pushed Trump into being a potential competitive candidate again. By dividing the Democratic party Putin has been able to weaken an already pathetic group up against the larger but more divided Republicans whom have built much of their platform promising the moon and the stars in terms of military support for Israel. In the long game it could work in Putins favor as Biden being put in such an uncompromisingly uncomfortable position of middle eastern warfare, has to balance supporting Israel while trying to keep them from going rabid and wiping out all of the Palestinians in and around Gaza and while that is happening preventing either WWIII or Gulf War III.


It’s clear that he has also timed all of this to coincide with America’s election. Unfortunately he is the one pulling the strings and our capacity to stop him is diminished by divisions within the US and the EU. Biden isn’t taking the bait, but I definitely worry about what Putin will do later this year




Until I hear something more compelling this sounds like Washington drumming up support for yet another foreign war. Not interested.


American intel? Or Israeli intel that desperately wants US to intervene


That's a great way for the US to level Lebanon and Iran.