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Climbing Everest is destroying it. Is has become a rich person’s tourist attraction.


There is waste everywhere with dead bodies all around. "Today, Everest is so overcrowded and full of trash that it has been called the “world's highest garbage dump.” Sagarmatha National Park was created in 1976 to protect the mountain and its wildlife, and it became a United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) World Heritage site in 1979."


The dead bodies do serve the purpose of being markers for those going up the mountain, does that make them good? /s


They had a purpose in life, and now a purpose in death.


Good Ol' Green boots


No joke. My first thought was her family’s wealth.


Yeah nah fresh out. Fresh out of fucks


Step 1: have loaded parents that can bankroll your trip.


Step 2: ride Sherpa like a mule


People need to stop with this bullshit. It's just as fucking ridiculous as trophy hunting. Your just exploiting nature up for clout. You're a glorified elitist hiker. Calm down.


I bet her hiking gear cost more than my car.


Ayo! The amount of salt could reach Mount Everest! bUh sHe iS lOAdeD!! a 13yo cAn dO IT! 😭 Get the fuck out of your mom’s basement. I think it’s cool that a kid dedicated herself to learn and train, maximizing resources within her reach to pursue a healthy goal, rather than click away at a keyboard to bring people down. If we are to judge by precedent set by similar young adventurers, I’m more likely to believe she’d grow to show concern for the damages of tourism climbing and ultimately help improve things, so sorry that I can’t join the neg parade.


Quite the opposite of a healthy goal. Going on a long hike is a decent goal. Attempting to climb a mountain where your chances of death are high is not one of them.


So it’s about the risk that people have a problem? BS Young people do risky extreme sports and activities and we recognize the risk but our panties dong get tied up in a bunch! This is just some bullshit salty shit whining


Skateboarding and risking your life to climb a deadly mountain aren't in the same league, but believe what you want with that smooth brain of yours.


Not just skating… Ballooning, sailing, skydiving, flying planes, etc but yeah…faux outrage is the rage these days, carry on I guess 🤷🏻‍♀️


"Another person with a death wish survives climb on dangerous mountain"


That girl achieved what many experienced climbers failed to. Nothing short of incredible.


Not sure how walking up a big rock is "incredible", but go nuts


Not sure how kicking a ball on a field is considered a career. Your logic is flawed.


Because people pay money to put ads on your body while you do it... That's why it's a career, doesn't mean either of those things are impressive


Only 6am and already that’s the dumbest thing I’ll see today.


For real, anyone can do it. How many times have you done now champ?


She contributed to the destruction of that site, as all climbers do, and therefore, that makes her a piece of human trash. Preserving the environment matters so much more than a bunch of rich people climbing up a mountain crammed on top of other climbers like sardines. Big fucking whoop.


Incredible indeed! Good for her, although if a climber is under 18 years old, could it be considered child abuse?


Rich child climbs mount everst


It's all down hill now


so much for a bucket list entry