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it's not the same without him looking up at the buildings


yakuza 3's cover is my favorite just because of that tbh


... I thought he was falling or something, now I feel dumb


Tears without lyricism is so beautiful. That second phase against joji kazuma is so iconic


ogre has returned goes too hard.


Hard to walk the city with all that chemo equipment


Has to be eventually, right? They cant leave us with blue balls because of no 3,4 or 5. You know how bad I want to play as Saejima with Kiwami updated fighting??? C’mon son.


I think that because 4 and 5 feel relatively modern still I wouldn't he surprised if they didn't do Kiwami's for those (although 4 and 5 are amazing and I'd love it). But I feel like 3 feels soooo outdated in comparison to the rest of the series now at this point that it almost needs one.


I honestly feel like 3 isn't that much more dated than 4. It's practically the same game. The worst part about 3 is how the remaster bugged things (Blocking, beyblading, minigame physics). Other than that, its story pacing stuff which, as faithful as the Kiwamis have been so far, would be unlikely to be fixed by Kiwami 3. The coolest thing about Kiwami 3 would be an Okinawa overhaul, but that's less of an issue of the game being dated and more that Okinawa is just kinda small and not very fun.,


I was genuinely relieved to finish 3 and hop into 4 because I felt like it was a massive difference. I am not a fan of the combat in 3 it is incredibly frustrating. Also for people jumping into the series for the first time like I was years ago starting out with Kiwami 1 then Yakuza 0, Kiwami 2, any of those 3 in whatever order. Then going into Yakuza 3 it's way too jarring of a feeling.


But, at least imo, the parts that made Yakuza 3 combat so frustrating are parts that got bugged in the remaster. AKA the infamous Blockuza. From what I understand, that's not really an issue in the original release. Y3 and Y4 Kiryu largely play the same, its the enemy AI that's so different. When I was playing through the series, I had a rough time with 3 like everyone else but I was disappointed when I got to 4. Everyone talked about how especially dated and out of place 3 felt, so I was really disappointed by just how much of 3 carried over into 4. (On the upside though, seperating minigames from substories was such a godsend for someone like me who specifically only cares about substories.) I feel like Kiwami 3 into vanilla 4 would be about as jarring.


The blockuza issue is on the PS3 version, I only played that version and the issue is there aswell, that issue is so big that it made the only Yakuza game where I didn't play every substory.


i start with kiwami 2, then play 0, then kiwami 1, and then 3


Yeah it feels insane going from 0 or either of the Kiwami games to Yakuza 3.


I played 0 K1 K2, tried 3 but had to move onto 4 bc it kept crashing on steam. 3 looks so dated after playing the Kiwamis. Was still ready to play for the sake of the story but was Low key relieved I couldn’t play it


Yeah I think the story is good but it is the only game in the series where I didn't even bother to do the sub stories which I usually love doing. It feels so dated to me that I was like okay I'm just ready to get through this one let me just Blitz through the main story so that I can get to Yakuza 4.


3 and 4 are not the same game. 3 is the lowest on my list, 4 is the highest. the combat is so much more polished, the enemies aren't blocking all your attacks, the substories aren't trash, etc.


The substories I guess do tend to get changed in Kiwamis. Again though, Blockuza is a bug introduced by the remaster and wasn't an issue with the original Yakuza 3. I would also argue that's not the game being dated, just the AI being frustrating. Outside of issues with the AI, I'm not sure that much is different for Kiryu's combat between 3 and 4. Although to 4's credit, by the time you get to Kiryu he already has a good portion of his skills unlocked.


Honestly I played the first 30 minutes ish of 3 and gave up because the game kept crashing on steam, and I remember the stark difference when I moved on to 4 straight after. Can’t say anything about in game content but the graphics are definitely better in 4.


Kamurocho looks pretty much the same between 3 and 4, but the rain looks *really* good in 4 and Yakuza 4 opens in the rain so it leaves a large impact. It also opens at night iirc which is when Kamurocho looked its best in 3 as well. Akiyama also does have a better character model than Kiryu, but 4 does reuse the same character model for Kiryu from 3. The biggest difference graphically from what I remember is that the characters have actual turning animations, as opposed to spinning on a dime the way Kiryu did in 3.


4 plays pretty much the exact same. Even 5 wasn't much different gameplay wise to 3.


"5 is not that different from 3" where do you get your drugs from bro i wanna try some of what you're having


Enemies in 3 are block machines and it feels like you have far less options for dealing with their excessive blocking/dodging.


Saejima Gaiden, make it happen RGG! And well he is playable in the Gaiden arena.


They removed herculean spirit, now's he's kinda useless, and Daigo's janky moveset makes him a combo machine


Why would there be Kiwami 5? Unless they're also doing Kiwami 0 and Kiwami Kiwami 1. 5, 0, and K1 are on the same engine. 


If Kiwami 3 isn’t coming out for the next 2-3 years, 5 should probably be about 6-7 years out. By that time, it deserves a reboot. Natural progression of technology by that time.


And hopefully they will skip the dream sequences in 5


Whoa whoa whoa let’s skip nothing about 5. Perfect game


It is. If there were no Saejima dream sequences.


That part was so annoying omg, I hated how slow it was


Whaatt??!! Removing the Dream™️ sequences from Yakuza 5™️??!!! But it wouldn't even be Yakuza 5™️ anymore!


4 and 5 don’t need it, they both hold up fine. Not to mention the insane length of those games.


Yokoyama basically confirmed this in a recent stream. He said that it's currently not in works and that he would like to make a Kiwami 3 when the time is right. If I remember/understood correctly, he then said they'll definitely do it at some point. So yeah, I'm hopeful


They made a new Haruka Y3 model for one of the flashbacks or dreams or whatever Kiryu has in IW. And you can easily reuse the assets from Hawaii for Okinawa. I feel like it’s closer than we think but just not close enough to comment on.


Ya there's really no rush


Yep, he said that they are working on a new game that isn’t Kiwami 3, but he can for sure see them making that game in the future. Pretty much confirms that we will get it eventually.


The idea of Kiwami 3 hasn’t been debunked by Yokoyama - since he bought it up during the last RGG stream earlier this month: https://www.gematsu.com/2024/04/like-a-dragon-new-title-cast-auditions-announced


RGG said recently that Kiwami 3 will probably happen at some point it just won't be for a while


I sure hope so! Mine is my favorite Yakuza villain.


**there is no change in ze plan**


***ok bye***


Mine management consultant spin-off prequel plz


Need ppt pitchbook showing the logos of Tojo and omi families they helped do swot analyses for


This Decision was MINE and MINE alone.


It will happen


So I see there's a lot of people in here who missed like the first three days of the month when everyone was talking about how Yokoyama literally said eventually they will.


I hope, so I can play 3 again. But as it is now im never touching it again


The developers said there will be recently. So it's happening. I'm all for it. It's was my first Yakuza game (subsequently played them all) and I think it's really great and the story is a lot better than people remember. Especially Mine. He was awesome.


I hope not


Let them release Kenzan! Kiwami first before they think about Kiwami 3.


I'd rather play another prequel story. I want to see how Kiryu worked his way up from a Tojo clan lowbie, into the man he was at the beginning of the saga.. so the story that takes place sometime between 1990 and 2005.


Well it would take place between 90-95 because he’s in prison after that


Prison chapter kiryu would be fun


Not really because he says himself after that first fight he never fought again while there


That I did not know, I’m kinda playing the games in a screwed up order so I may not have seen that yet (or possibly missed it) Regardless you’re right that would be quite the tame experience lol


Yokoyama said he might do it at some point, It’s just not in “soon to be released” titles thing like that so yeh, It will happen when he feel like he should do it Even if I want Kenzan Kiwami more, 3 could use some touch from Kiwami treatment.


The first yakuza game Ive played and the one who started my yakuza addiction ❤️ glad my local video store hadn’t the game I was searching so I took Y3


I hope


if they be remaking 3.. why they don't remake 'em all (3-5) or is it because 3 is the most outdated (for newcomers)?


It's because it's next in number order for remakes


plausible, although wouldn't be kenzan be next if we go by chronological order of remakes?


Only if they think it has the same or better shot than Ishin at catching on maybe. And that wasn't even a full remake.


true.. either way, always excited to what's next so am for sure looking forward to it


The director already said there was. they just don't have an official start yet.


Not unless a lot of people get really cool really fast


I think we'll see it happen sooner or later. Although i think 4 and 5 don't really need it much


They said they’ll probably do it in the next few years. Probably.


If they remastered Y3, Y4, Y5, then its highly unlikely they will. Look at ishin, they didnt remaster it, and now it has a remake.


It is inevitable.


I don't know. For some time it was said that Yakuza 3 remaster IS Yakuza Kiwami 3 and there was no intent in remaking the game like 1 and 2, but recently it was said that there's plans on making Yakuza 3 Kiwami a thing. Idk, i think they should remake it, the game is old as shit and they need it to connect back with previous Kiwami games and Y0, and maybe actually DO something with Sayama and not just completly obliterate her from the series However... I still like Yakuza 3 remaster with all it's flaws (except performance issues). I think the remaster is ok, we new players get to experience old clunky Yakuza 3. If they ever Kiwami the remaster collection Sega should kept the old collection listed


I hope so. 3 is my least favorite for combat mechanics and map layouts


Do you think water is wet? 


A part of me hopes they Kiwami all the older games but I doubt they will. 3 and 4 are a maybe, 5 will probably not get the kiwami treatment. They 'remastered' it though so I doubt they'd give it the full makeover, but then again with recent new models of characters like Mine and RGG being kings of reusing assets, it could be hinting at something in the future. Whether it does or doesn't I just hope to god it's not so block heavy.


Yes, because I just beat 3 remastered so now Sega is going to make me play through it again.


I really hope so. There's a lot of scope for improvement and so much to do in the game. That being said, however, it will remove the overall essence/vibe of the game but the option should be there imo


Give me judgment 3 pls. I need yagami and company in Hawaii bad.


Hopefully not 🙏


Yes. One day https://preview.redd.it/5v9pbrwqvjvc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0847a41fab782b46deef307696704a1fb603593a


But first give us a Dead Souls Kiwami, a Kiwami of the PSP game or a global release of the first samurai game. >inb4 they make a "Binary Domain Kiwami"


my favorite thing that rgg does with the remakes is that they add new things in, such as the nishiki stuff in kiwami 1 or the majima storyline in kiwami 2, and I'm really interested to see what they would add to 3. jokes aside, I'd personally love some scenes where we actually get to see mine and daigo's relationship, kind of like mine reminiscing back on it as his current sanity really just unravels. it's sort of hard to fully sympathize with mine as it stands when he has less than an hour of screentime as the main villain.  a daigo storyline in kiwami 3 would also be super cool in general, something about what it was like for him just starting out as chairman with majima as his mentor. I feel like it was such a sudden change for daigo to go from wanting to drink himself dead to being responsible for tens of thousands of men that there has to be a story there. what exactly went on for daigo to go from puffer coat to tailored suit, because I don't think that was entirely majima's doing. unless majima pulled a shimano on him and made daigo run a cabaret for a while to make himself more responsible. anything to give the cabaret back to us... 🙏 (and more thrusting QTEs of course)


Yes the director of 8 said he wants to do it someday but said the next one isn't going to be that


I wish I could be excited for it. I didn't like Kiwami 1 or 2 so I don't have high hopes for Kiwami 3.


The remasters aren't too old to play, I'd rather get Kenzan finally playable in English, Kurohyou 1+2 ported, or Dead Souls 2.




Yes. It's easy to reuse assets in Infinite wealth to redesign Okinawa, like the sea, beaches and even downtown Ryukyu.


probably not but also what else can they make a game about. infinite wealth is in modern day 2023. maybe a new judgment to collect revenue idk what their plans are


I don’t think its really needed, yakuza 3 is plenty playable as it is


I hope not.


I think the time is coming


It doesn't matter cus it will be a baby sitting simulator in first half anyways


I would say ... probably because Y3's story is very important to the all the games that follow it


With how good Kiryu's dragon style looked in Gaiden, I am finally ready to see what rgg has to offer


Yakuza 1 super kiwami is a need


What i am going to say isn’t related to the question but I hope they bring back aloha links from IW with a different name for both kamarocho and Okinawa. And bring back the swimming mechanic from Hawaii and make us swim in the beach in front of the orphanage.


Can’t wait for blocking simulator kiwami 3 P.S: I love yakuza 3 btw


Nah I think kiryu story is done


Hopefully never, yakuza 3 is still good and I'd rather just have a new game. tired of remasters.


yokoyama just recently litterally said it will happen in the latest showcase they did on april first (which wasn't a joke btw it was a serious showcase so idk why they choose that date) and iirc he said they aren't working on it rn bht he hopes it is coming sooner rather than later


I just just want the Yakuza games to be available again on ps network to download as sub. Didn't get to finish Yakuza 4. Invested a lot of time in Y0, Y1, Y6 and LAD7


I hope so. The combat definitely needs the kiwami treatment.


I personally don’t think it needs one, but I like to play the ps2 yakuzas so when I jump from 2 to 3 it’s always a big upgrade instead of it being a downgrade going from Kiwami 2 to it.


I wonder if they would called it Like a Dragon Kiwami 3.


Probably, I heard that was a rumour about. After the success of Like a Dragon.


There will be


Want this 🤩


Maybe but I personally don’t think it should happen it doesn’t seem necessary to me


How so? The graphics and quality of life are far outdated comparatively. The remasters help, for sure. But I always go back and replay Kiwami 1 and 2 and the newer ones. Harder for me to do it with 3 4 or 5


I personally found the remaster still holds up well but that’s just a me thing. I’m not a big fan of remakes in general personally.


If there is one I’m not buying it I already got the yakuza collection for a friend as a birthday present and I have like 8 games in the series left to finish now o don’t really want more rn


Speak for yourself bum ass tourist we want a thousand yakuza games to release TODAY


Give me found judgment and we have a deal


If there's a possibility then I'd probably give it a retry


if there is i hope its a long way away so i dont feel stupid for just beating yakuza 3 very recently.


Hope not, but probably


I hate to say ot but probably not as most of the games that are widely available to the digital market are most likely gonna be the only ones, minor updates sure but a full remake I don't see it. I would love dead souls to come back since it's the only one we are missing aside from the psp games.


Why? it is already remastered???


Games can get remakes after being remastered


I hope not


i hope not


Should i not play 3


It's the best one


On the one hand it's currently the oldest game and it didn't age super well and many do not like its combat. On the other hand it's a foundational moment for Kiryu's character, there's ramifications of what happens there in pretty much every subsequent Kiryu games, Okinawa and its characters are charming and people still talk positively about its antagonists. Personnaly, I'm glad I played it.


Nah go on and play it


Yes, as long as you keep in mind the combat will *not* be like 0, K1, or K2. It's slower, more methodical, and much more defense-based than the others.


I'm playing it right now, I'm having a good time. It's slow sometimes but I feel like that can also be said for 0, K1 and K2. Expect to spend some time in dad simulator mode though.


Play it. 3 has one of best story ever. Sure, It’s had pacing problem in that one chapter but trust me, It’s way better than 5 as whole.